Elephants In Captivity

Posted: November 1, 2018 Author: Dimitrios Spanos

Elephants born in captivity are restrained by a chain that attaches one leg to a metal spike driven into the ground. This prevents them from roaming. They become accustomed to the fact that, as long as the chain and spike are next to them, they are unable to move. As they grow older, their minds become programmed. When they see the spike and chain, they “believe” and accept that they will not be able to move. They become so conditioned that when their owners place a small rope and wooden peg next to them, they make no efforts to step away from it, because they “believe” they are unable to. In truth, their actual power as adults is so great that they could easily pull up a chain and spike of any size. Their programming or “belief,” however, allows this tiny rope and wooden peg to limit their movement.

We are all very much like these elephants. We allow the weaknesses, fears and rejection we experienced as children to program us into a life in which we lack power, peace, love and happiness. We become controlled by false childhood assumptions we have made about our ability, strength and self-worth. We can move away from these “pegs” of self-limitation, but we must choose to do so.

WHILE WE MAY feel that our current comfort zone has served us well, it definitely represents our behaviors and patterns of our past, both personally and of the ancestral lineage of humanity.

WHAT WE BELIEVE creates our reality and in many ways the elephant stories we tell ourselves and the hand-me-down beliefs become the major source of our physical and mental suffering.

LET US ASK OURSELVES how flexible are we towards changing our limited beliefs, hiding behind our automated patterns and let us learn how to remove the attachments, judgments and preconceived notions that keep us hostages.

LET US UNDERSTAND that the choice is totally ours and it is either the door to the dark and preconceived notions of our mind or the door leading us to light and freedom.



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