Letting Go … Living Lightly

What does it mean to Live Lightly? I’ll begin here with a simple definition of Lightly. It means with little weight or force—without care or concern—in a way that is not overtly serious—in a quick and graceful way.
I learned to Let go and Live Lightly while on two-year sabbatical in Greece many years ago. Yes, I literally let go of everything I had ever owned and was looking for a new beginning. I had everything I could want as far as material goods, but I was never going to be indicted into the “happiness hall of fame” by pretending I was happy when I was not.
Greece is beautiful and I had been there many times but one of the things I realized quite quickly, is that I didn’t need to go to away anywhere for my spiritual quest. Why? Well first off, we always take ourselves with us…. interesting that I never thought about this before I left!

Emotions move us forward into our future; leave us stuck in place or drive us back to our past. A mind that is not aware and conscious leaves us swimming in our emotions. Your emotions are trying to tell you something, they are not intended to make you happy. Emotions are not what we think we know intellectually; they are what we know experientially.
We all get triggered by our unique experiences and it is these triggers set off or emotions. Emotions stem from the sub-conscious mind and are usually rooted from our childhood belief systems. Today, even now as adults, this writing on our wall from childhood still remains with us. Our view of seeing the world is based on our childhood experiences.
The Brain Is Not Hard Wired

The human brain has about 86 billion neurons. It is a figure that was estimated in scientific research of 2009 in which the scientists used a new methodology. All electrochemical messages cause thousands of neurons to activate at the same time and transmit the message to neighboring neurons. This connection is called a synapse. Each neuron communicates in this way with hundreds of neurons receiving up to 500 times per second.

As you set out to discovery your unique true essence, you will in all probability discover qualities and talents that you never knew existed. Alignment with your true self means becoming the person you were always intended to be. It brings a deep sense of fulfillment which extends to all aspects of life. In our everyday life it means that we eventually create the life pattern which best expresses what we have to offer. Unfulfilled people are restless and bored at home and at work, and with life in general. They are sometimes destructive and usually unhappy. Ego satisfaction is never more than temporary, and it is always illusionary. The true self is the source of creativity, individual expression and uniqueness.
Happiness is Your Response-Ability

Creating happiness is not a matter of seeking to control all the experiences which come our way. It is a matter of how we choose to respond to our experiences in life. It is our responsibility to respond well. Emotions such as such fear and anxiety destroy our peace of mind, our happiness, our relationships and our effective mental functioning.
When triggered, our auto response human mechanisms kick in much like a computer running a software program. These various experiences pass through our belief system in an attempt to identify and evaluate what is happening. The mind checks for our past experiences, and the beliefs which have been created from them. For example, is this “a good or a bad experience?” Is it “a positive or a negative experience?” It tries to determine what is happening, what has happened or might happen. It also informs us in relation to, “is this reassuring or threatening to our well being?”.