Acceptance of What Is

… Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side?
NO, the truth is that we always take ourselves with us; even over the fence! Each of us create our own reality and we are all creating realities which offer us the most opportunities for personal growth.
For example, when we are unhappy, sometimes, we feel we would be happier living in a different place, in a different job, or a different relationship. Other times, we envy others for what they have or their good health or other life factors. The truth is that we are forgetting that we and they are the sole creators of our realities.
When living within our created reality, there is a distinction between who we are and our life changing experiences. For one, we need to realize that we are a constant immutable unchanging essence we call our Higher Self. It is this higher Self that pays witness to our life changing events and experiences. Even though, we create our reality, it is important to understand, that we are not the stories we tell ourselves. Our self-worth and security are not dependent on the aspects of our stories or how they change in our lives.
Collapsing the Wave

This post is the third in a series of three relating to understanding the concept of Oneness.
Quantum physics tells us that a photon or electron is actually a wave of possibilities until there is a witness that causes that wave to “collapse” into a specific particle in a specific place and time. It appears that the witness causes the wave of possibilities to leave that state of many possibilities and become one specific reality, as we know it.
We might imagine that something similar is happening between ourselves and life. Imagine life as a wave of possibilities, all of which exist together in a quantum zero state or implicate order or for the universal consciousness. In this nothing is formed yet. All is possible. Memories and programs are not yet limiting this conscious- energy.
Once pure consciousness begins to express itself through our programmed minds it becomes limited. It tends to attract what is in agreement with our memories and programming. Our beliefs and emotions cause the unlimited zero-point field of pure light consciousness to form into what we call our reality. This includes people, actions and events – all of which are reflections of and responses to our inner content.
What is Currently Happening in Our World is 100% Our Responsibility

This post is the second in a series of three relating to understanding the concept of Oneness.
This concept of responsibility is quite difficult for most of us to digest. Can we take responsibility for other people’s irresponsible or unethical actions? How can we be responsible for those who are abusing women and children or killing innocent persons or wherever else? Are we to take responsibility for terrorist acts around the world? Such reactions naturally come to mind when we are asked to believe and employ this revolutionary system.
How can we be responsible for what “we” have not done and for what we would “probably” would never do? Doesn’t it seem unreasonable that we would be responsible for what others are doing on the other side of the world? Are we responsible for actions perpetuated by leaders that we never voted for, do not agree with and even condemn?
This seems to be irreconcilable. So, how do we reconcile this? The truth is that each of us in the exclusive creator of his or her reality and that others do not create our reality and we do not create theirs. Let’s go deeper in our understanding why we are 100% responsible.
The Truth of Oneness … There is NO You and Me

This post is the first one in a series of three relating to understanding the concept of Oneness.
All is one energy – one consciousness. We all constitute one united field of energy and consciousness that appears as separate beings and objects. This is the truth of Oneness … There is no you and me. Therefore, when we purify our individual energetic vibratory frequency to that system, we change the whole system.
We are all connected through a collective unconscious, a morphogenetic field, a united causal body or a quantum zero-point field or one united universal consciousness. This means that we affect each other with every thought, word and action.
The question is how do we affect each other and how is our personal and common reality created?