How Your Identity Creates Your Reality … I’m NOT GOOD ENOUGH

“You will never perform consistently in a manner which is inconsistent with how you see yourself.”
….Zig Ziglar
How do you see yourself and how is that image affecting your life?
What is showing up in your life?
Is it not working for you or not what you intended for your life?
5 Types of Fear and How You Can Overcome Them

Is there anything I need to fear in this moment?
Am I safe in this very moment?
What will happen to me if I simply love the fear?
Can I let the story of this fear unfold and can I stay with the fear long enough to allow myself to unfold into it?
Fear is one of the biggest obstacles in life. There are many types of fear that we face in our day to day. It’s an incredibly powerful force that acts against us in everything we do, preventing us from truly experiencing life and our Divine destiny. And make no mistake, there is no human that is unencumbered by fear. Those who are courageous have simply learned to manage their fear better than others.
How to Grow Spiritually… What We Seek, We Already Are

Most people long to experience spiritual growth. We all want to live a more harmonious life in which they feel a sense of inner peace and contentment. But few are able to satisfy the basic needs of love and peace. Many live lives full of stress, conflict, worry, fear, anxiety and other negative emotions. This is not who we are. We are Spirit; the universal consciousness, which is one with God. There is a spark of Divine in each of us that is unchanging, omnipresent, all knowing. We all have the ability to live our lives in a state of bliss.
What is Spirituality?

I’ve heard this question so many times and I have heard so many different responses. What spirituality means depends on who you ask. Some think it is New Age. I believe it is more of a way of being and living life of acceptance and alignment with all that is. Spirituality is basically a matter of consistency between our higher intellect (our conscience) and our thoughts, words and actions. It is when our thoughts and movements are in harmony with our conscience and the highest spiritual ideas within us.
How to Control Anger – 5 Steps to Master Your Emotions

Controlling anger is not an easy thing to do. For most people it takes years of counseling, therapy and meditation to master their emotions, and even then there are some that never quite overcome it. For those that do, they must first accept the fact that the forces that drive anger do not exist externally, but they come from within. Once they come to terms with this reality, it’s simply a matter of identifying which emotion and belief that is at the root, and reprogramming the mind to be able to effectively control these feelings of fear and anger. Here are 5 steps to do just that.