The Power of Peace – is LOVE and UNITY

I would like to share with you some concepts which I consider extremely important for all to become aware of and employ in our lives in order to overcome this temporary economic, social, political, ethical and spiritual crisis. It has to do with our power to affect and bring peace and harmony to the world around us.
Stress in the collective consciousness not only fuels terrorism and war. It also breeds crime, economic instability, and governmental incoherence. Economic growth depends on the “investor climate,” “consumer confidence,” and other aspects of a nation’s collective consciousness. If the mood of society turns anxious and fearful, investor’s won’t invest, banks won’t lend, managers won’t spend, and consumers won’t buy. This is why, at the bottom of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “All we have to fear is fear itself.”
True and Equal Justice For All

Prejudice is a form of untruthfulness; and untruthfulness is an insidious form of injustice.
As individuals we tend to understand ourselves, and to explain our actions to others, in ways that are self-justifying. We try to present ourselves in a good light, as if to recruit others to personal supporters. The same thing happens at a societal scale. The dominant ideology always favors beliefs and behavior of the people in that society and often based on falsehoods. It is false to think that elitists societies which stigmatize a large portion of the population as inferior according to genetic differences or ethnic backgrounds is capable of true and equal justice for all.
Experience Peace with Unconditional Love

We are living in chaotic times, our world is suffering, continuous moments of powerless and feelings of injustice. The condition of the outer world at the present time is such that those who sincerely seek the light and want the constructive way of life must have more than human help if they are to survive over the present period of chaos which is the accumulated discord generated by the collective humanity en masse through the centuries, and which is pressing heavily upon the outer experience of individuals and our world today.
Acceptance and Effort

Some of us are seeking continuously and dynamically to improve the quality of life for our self and others, while at the same time, we need to remember to accept at every stage the results of those efforts. We need a delicate balance of making efforts to improve ourselves and our surroundings and at the same time, accepting ourselves and the results of our efforts at every stage of that process.
The Yellow Brick Road

Attention: Anyone who’s not in Kansas anymore….
I had an experience recently; an incident with a Bee and my finger…..ouch! I came to understand that the Bee might have been trying to tell me to simply BE.
I have had so many projects on the go and I found I was in my busyness and I was finding it hard to stay on my own Yellow Brick Road because I couldn’t stay out of the poppy fields or I found myself fighting flying monkeys.
We’ve all had times in our lives when we feel confused or need help staying on our true road to success…..BTW… many thanks to the friend that guided me….smiling.