The Truth of Oneness … There is NO You and Me

This post is the first one in a series of three relating to understanding the concept of Oneness.
All is one energy – one consciousness. We all constitute one united field of energy and consciousness that appears as separate beings and objects. This is the truth of Oneness … There is no you and me. Therefore, when we purify our individual energetic vibratory frequency to that system, we change the whole system.
We are all connected through a collective unconscious, a morphogenetic field, a united causal body or a quantum zero-point field or one united universal consciousness. This means that we affect each other with every thought, word and action.
The question is how do we affect each other and how is our personal and common reality created?
The Brain Is Not Hard Wired

The human brain has about 86 billion neurons. It is a figure that was estimated in scientific research of 2009 in which the scientists used a new methodology. All electrochemical messages cause thousands of neurons to activate at the same time and transmit the message to neighboring neurons. This connection is called a synapse. Each neuron communicates in this way with hundreds of neurons receiving up to 500 times per second.
Living the Light is Living an Inspired Life

We have all heard the phrase “get in the Spirit” or “Team Spirit”; the deeper, unseen essence of these phrases is vital to living an Inspired Life. Spirit refers to our Life Force Energy, it is the aliveness that never changes. In fact, it is a constancy that is vital and that expresses our alignment with the source of all that exits.
When disconnected from our life force energy we lose our spirit and we disconnect from living an inspired life. When we lose those qualities that we define as spiritual, we lack a sense of unity, we lose love and self-respect and we become less tolerant, selfish and we lack compassion for self and others. (more…)
Life Force Energy … Creating a Solid Foundation

CR: A good strong foundation anchors our life force energy in the physical plane, it ensures our survival and the quality of the life we live. We thrive well with constancy and we function well with stability in our lives. When the foundation of our life is healthy; it expands and supports our life more fully. We can take on more responsibilities, be more creative and more playful. A healthy foundation is flexible, and at the same time enjoys the daily rhythms of life.
DS: This stability allows us to be more patient as our life unfolds; less reactive, less volatile to what is external to our being as we learn to accept life as it is. A strong foundation also helps us to maintain our spiritual connection when the winds of change blow in our lives. Without a strong foundation the irregularities and mishaps of life will blow us about and wreak havoc in our lives. Our Spirit will not survive well with constant change and we will be like a feather in the wind.
7 Spiritual Thoughts to Brighten Your Day

1. I am a blessed child of God.
I’m an immortal, invulnerable spirit. A soul in the process of evolution. I am a cell in the universal body of the universal spirit and I am continually in contact with that universal power at some level. I am protected and sustained by that power.
2. I am happy, peaceful, loving and content.
My value as a human being does not depend on how much I accomplish or how intelligent I am, or how attractive I appear, but on how sincere my intentions and efforts are and how much they are in agreement with my inner values.
Family and Love

Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured, even when they’re driving you crazy. As much as they make you mad, interrupt you, annoy you, try to control you, these are the people who know you the best and who love you.
-Jenna Morasca
I HAVE BEEN pondering on a current experience of spending Christmas with family. The reflection over the years, joy, laughter, kindness, attitude, the emotions and the opportunity to understand each other and practice of loving each other unconditionally. Holidays and other events provide this opportunity, especially when everyone is together, and you can see them together exchanging their views.

We all talk about stress. But how much do we know about the dangers of stress?
Recently, I became a member to the American Institute of Stress and started to investigate some recent research and studies that have been done. I was amazed to find out that according to AIS, 90% of all medical visits are stress-related, and that stress is at all-time high. According to the same studies, job pressure, co-worker tension, bosses, work overload, money, relationships, media and poor nutrients are the top causes of stress.
Give Yourself the Gift of Personal Peace

We all deserve personal peace and we all have the ability to create this for ourselves and for others. We have the free will to perceive every behavior, situation or event as the perfect opportunity to fine-tune our perceptions of ourselves, others and life. Every event, every outcome, is an expression of love from the universe giving us an opportunity to use it to realize the truth or not. We have free will. We can use these experiences for their ultimate purpose – discovering greater inner worth, security, freedom and fulfillment.
The Most Direct Path to Fulfillment

Through the consciousness of selflessness we realize, perhaps for the first time as a species, that it is our responsibility to proactively participate in this realignment. Many of us no longer accept our society and it’s ills as a given; and many are becoming proactive, social co-creators and the social potential movement is awakening.
As we gain deeper alignment with the patterns of creation, we sadly see a world that is out of alignment. We see systems are breaking down, causing misery, alienation and violence all around us. This seeming breakdown might be a natural process from the point of view that we are undergoing a birth process…The birth of Venus. Just as the systems of biological organisms, designed for the old phase of development, they seem to be inadequate for this new phase and must re- pattern themselves.
Neurons That Fire Together Wire Together

There’s an old saying in neuroscience: “neurons that fire together wire together.”
This means the more you run a neural-circuit in your brain, the stronger that circuit becomes. This is why, to quote another old saying, “practice makes perfect”. The more you practice piano, or speaking a language, or juggling, the stronger those circuits get.
Scientists have known this for years. However, nowadays researchers learn another part of the truth: In order to learn something, even more important than practicing is the ability to unlearn, or to break down the old neural connections. This is called “synaptic pruning”.