Tailored Personal Development Courses Based On the Principles Taught in The Mind is the Map.

  • Custom Built Courses
  • 1 on 1 Attention
  • Community Engagement
  • Certifications Available

Build Your Personalized Development Plan

At Eudaimonia, we don’t believe in fitting you in a box. We take the time to help you identify the areas you need to work on most, and focusing your development plan on improving those areas.

Now Available! Our Complete Course Series

Habitual Patterns

Our patterns are part of our human experience. In order to improve our reality, we must understand the mechanisms of its creation. Learn to use techniques by which you may recondition your thought processes and change your reality.

Life Force Energy

Are You sacrificing your time, relationships, and your sanity to get “there” at any cost? Our inner harmony is deeply affected by those around us and discharging your energy onto others causes you to lose energy! Learn how to hold your energy high and harmonious…


Our thoughts, beliefs and assumptions pull us into the past and future. When you step into awareness the mind is no longer searching your data bank for answers. Learn how to cleanse the lens of your perception allowing you to see that your old belief systems no longer serve you…

Inner Voice

Our negative reactions to certain triggers do not come from outside forces, they originate within us. We create our reality based on the Writing on our Walls. Learn what’s written there, reality check it and transform your life…

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is what makes us tick. It is like a muscle that can be learned and strengthened. Cultivating its use is one of the most powerful ways to transform your life. Learn how you can turn possibilities and opportunities into personal realities…


Do you sometimes pretend to be happy but deep down you feel you aren’t? The only difference between our happiness and our suffering is not in the way things are but rather our rejection of what is. Learn how you can change your internal programming to find lasting inner peace and happiness…

Present Moment

A lot of our pain and anxiety has to do with our memories. The present moment does not create such emotions and there is no other reality than NOW. Learn to see each moment from an internal and external perspective and why the only point of power you will ever have is in the present moment…

Emotional Mastery

Emotions do not depend on outside circumstances. If your emotions are up and down like a roller coaster or they seem uncontrollable then this course is for you. Learn the underlying beliefs that cause your thoughts which cause your emotions and how to ride your emotions to freedom!

Solid Foundation

The strength of our foundation in life is ultimately revealed to us and others by how we live our lives. This is especially true in terms of disappointment and challenge. Learn how to anchor your foundation and interface with the world around you from a place of empowerment and compassion.


Unconditional love puts an end to sacrifice and the need to prove our worth, and it frees us to live lightly. All the nonsense you carry within you is not really interested in you. It is you who are interested in it! Learn how to liberate your mind and illuminate your heart…


When you wake up are you excited about your day? If not, then why not? Living your best life is always living a life of passion, in one form or another. Learn how you can live a life of passion that will motivate you to become a valuable contributor to your on life and the life of others…


Kindness is our loving spirit in action. Learn how new meaningful situations can reshape your life and create your new empowering story. Learn how to soften the sharp edges and live life soft, simple and easy and explore ways you contribute something special of yourself to the whole.


Eudaimonia Self Help Workshops

Our Workbook Collection

Workshop 1: Deepen Your Self Awareness

A map to self-discovery and growth. Increase your effectiveness, build good habits, learn to manage your energy and develop self-awareness as a key to your success


A Map to Motivation and Self Discovery. Break down and rebuild the mind’s neuropathways, use emotional intelligence to harness your mind’s infinite power, bring your precious gifts to life and connect to happiness.

Workshop 3: Emotional Mastery

A Map of Awareness of the Complex Feelings and Emotions. Attain a new level of freedom and flexibility, learn how to use the power of the present moment and creating a solid foundation.

Workshop 4: Finding Your Life’s Purpose

A Map to Building a Joyful, Light and Passionate Life. Fulfilling your potential and achieving the highest level of ‘human-being-ness’.

Meet the Professors

Dimitrios Spanos

Dimitri Spanos was born in Athens, Greece and has lived in New York for the past forty-five years. He is the co-author of The Mind Is the Map and co-founder of Eudaimonia Center, a learning center for offering transformational change, facilitating core healing and personal development, while empowering others to live extraordinary, healthy and productive lives. Dimitri Spanos, CEQP, is a Certified Six Seconds EQ Practitioner. View Dimitri’s Author’s Blog.

Christina Reeves

Born in Toronto, Canada, Christina is a Holistic Life Coach and Energy Psychologist. She is also an accomplished author, speaker, and facilitator, hosting workshops, seminars and lectures in North America and Internationally. Working from her clinic and training facility she continues to share her methodologies and techniques mentoring and supporting others to take responsibility in reaching their full potential while guiding them towards enjoying a joyful and happy life. View Christina’s Author’s Blog.

What Do Our Students Say?

“Words cannot convey the impact this course has had on me, my life and my relationships, with me and others. This course gave me perspective, healing and peace through a time when these feelings and skills are sorely limited… I was able to forgive myself and others for, being human… and using Emotional Intelligence techniques and Awareness processes allowed me to see things from different perspectives. Even to this day the skills and tools offered in this program make up my tool kit of self-care, empowerment and sustainability through responsibility of my actions and inaction.  Everyone needs this course; everyone needs this opportunity to surpass our self-inflicted pain and the limitations we put upon ourselves. ”

– Erin K
The Institute for Harmonious Living, Canada
“RAVE REVIEWS … AMAZING Program, I have struggled with these same problems over and over again, presented to me in different ways at different times of my life. The insights and observations I learned from the Member Mastery Course truly opening my mind to a new way of thinking and resolving my problems and making me aware of the areas where I am stuck, or standing in my own way. I will hopefully be able to pass along my new insights to my children.”

– Catherine B.
Holistic Life Coach