Home Forums The Writing on the Wall Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

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    • #11661


      Staff Member

      What beliefs or thoughts hold us back?  What in our subconscious is preventing us from living happy and fulfilled lives?  These are some of the hardest questions we as individuals face.  It requires us to shed our ego, look deep within and drum up thoughts or past experiences that may not always be pleasant.  The reality is, until these issues are addressed, it’s hard for us to live our lives to it’s fullest potential.

      Does anyone have experience in overcoming these limiting belief systems?  Is anyone struggling with it right now?  Tell us about your experiences, and we’ll try to help you work your way through the pain and difficulty this presents.

    • #11892


      Community Member

      Thank you for this topic. I have found that the exercises at the end of each chapter in The Mind is the Map have helped me to see what some of my old beliefs that blocked and gave me tools to move past them. Journaling helped tremendously. Then the suggestion to connect with another person and share what I was journaling was a great exercise.

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