True and Equal Justice For All

Prejudice is a form of untruthfulness; and untruthfulness is an insidious form of injustice.
As individuals we tend to understand ourselves, and to explain our actions to others, in ways that are self-justifying. We try to present ourselves in a good light, as if to recruit others to personal supporters. The same thing happens at a societal scale. The dominant ideology always favors beliefs and behavior of the people in that society and often based on falsehoods. It is false to think that elitists societies which stigmatize a large portion of the population as inferior according to genetic differences or ethnic backgrounds is capable of true and equal justice for all.
What is it That is Actually Bothering Me?

Few of us have a very intimate knowledge of our patterns. All of us have developed habitual patterns of behavior and all automatic reactions are based on past experiences. What is it that is actually bothering me?

Most important in this awakening is what James Redfield called the First Insight: our developing perception in our lives of meaningful coincidences, a phenomenon Swiss psychologist Carl Jung called “synchronicity.” Such moments always seem to bring us new information or a sudden opportunity. When we review these moments deeply, it always seems to be beyond chance, as though the events were somehow destined to occur in our lives. Biographies are full of such events.
Life Force Energy

LIFE FORCE ENERGY is exactly what it sounds like. It is the Universal
Energy that gives life to all things. Our thoughts are energy and give
rise to our emotions, which in turn are simply energy in motion like
invisible clouds hovering above and around our physical body. High
frequency emotions, such as love and joy, are bright, while lower
frequency emotions are dimmer and sometimes dark.
LIFE FORCE ENERGY enters our body through our breath and flows
through the acupuncture meridians and vitalizes the organs and tis-
sues. When the flow of this Life Force Energy is depleted or not in
balance, this will ultimately lead to disease in the physical body. These
depletions and imbalances come about as a result of physical and
psychological factors. Through our mental powers, we have the ability to
increase and re-balance the flow of Life Force Energy throughout the
body and, thus, combat disease.
Christina Reeves and Dimitrios Spanos
-Authors of The Mind is the Map
Experience Peace with Unconditional Love

We are living in chaotic times, our world is suffering, continuous moments of powerless and feelings of injustice. The condition of the outer world at the present time is such that those who sincerely seek the light and want the constructive way of life must have more than human help if they are to survive over the present period of chaos which is the accumulated discord generated by the collective humanity en masse through the centuries, and which is pressing heavily upon the outer experience of individuals and our world today.
What Habitual Patterns do I Engage in When I have been Triggered?

By accepting our undesirable habitual patterns, we can learn to gently and skillfully work with them, soften our sharp edges, and gain confidence in our ability to respond to our experiences with wisdom. What habitual behavior patterns do I engage in when I have been triggered?
What Strange Beings We Are

WHAT STRANGE BEINGS WE ARE!” noted the 13th Century mystic, Rumi. The bigger question might be, “Are we here to live passive lives, using the old programmed templates of our ancestors, or can we really create our own lives?” Today, scientific evidence suggests that we are creators of our own reality and that it is “our consciousness” that holds the key to our health, life, and even reality itself. As humans, we are receivers and transmitters of the cosmic Life Force Energy. Our body, mind, feelings, thoughts, intentions, conditioned responses, inner conflicts, and any unresolved emotional pain are all energy, and all energy is connected to all other energy.
– “The Mind Is The Map”
Our Responsibility is our Response-ability

Following the law of least effort, as nature teaches us, we will learn to accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. We will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. Our acceptance of what is becomes total and complete as it is in the moment, not as we wish they were.
Accepting things and others as they are, we can learn to take responsibility for all of our experiences and even for all those we see as problems. Our responsibility is our response-ability. Taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for our situation, for our feelings, for the attachment or the expected outcome we have (and this includes our self). Every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunities allows us to take each experience in each present moment and transform it into a greater benefit.
Ecstasy and Love

Ecstasy and love is not the same thing. We often get them confused. There are some connections that open us so wide that we cannot help but call them love. But they may not be. They may just be a transcend-dance, an invitation to delight, the heart opening that we so desperately needed after years encased in armor. We call certain people into our lives to awaken us, to re-heart us, but that doesn’t mean they are the beloved. If a love is real, it is a portal to the all that is; excavating light and shadow from their hiding places. The glory and the gory, rise in unison, calling us to the sky and the earth in one fell swoop. Love is far more than floating to the heavens on a dreamy magic carpet. Love is sustainable. Love is inclusive. Love has feet that walk through time and space.
Acceptance and Effort

Some of us are seeking continuously and dynamically to improve the quality of life for our self and others, while at the same time, we need to remember to accept at every stage the results of those efforts. We need a delicate balance of making efforts to improve ourselves and our surroundings and at the same time, accepting ourselves and the results of our efforts at every stage of that process.