
Friends it’s cold outside but the fire in my heart is warm with wonderful memories of this year that is passing. It is a time to slow down and take solitude in our dwellings by the fire and pass our time in peaceful reflection.
Through the curious and wondrous process of self-discovery, we often stumble beautifully into the spaces between our thoughts and our suffering.
Living in Awareness challenges us to see everything from a higher perspective, discovering the truth that holds us all, daring us to mix the elements of world through our hearts and minds making all things visible. All of us are here to help unravel each other and to make our way back to love through the mirror of life.
Family and Love

Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured, even when they’re driving you crazy. As much as they make you mad, interrupt you, annoy you, try to control you, these are the people who know you the best and who love you.
-Jenna Morasca
I HAVE BEEN pondering on a current experience of spending Christmas with family. The reflection over the years, joy, laughter, kindness, attitude, the emotions and the opportunity to understand each other and practice of loving each other unconditionally. Holidays and other events provide this opportunity, especially when everyone is together, and you can see them together exchanging their views.
The Power of Passion

The story is told that a dispassionate young man approached the Greek philosopher Socrates and casually stated, “O great Socrates, I come to you for knowledge”.
The philosopher took the young man down to the sea, waded in with him, and then dunked him under the water for thirty seconds. When he let the young man up for air, Socrates asked him to repeat what he wanted.
Knowledge, only O great one,” he sputtered. Socrates put him under the water again, only that this time it was a little longer. After repeated dunking and responses, the philosopher asked, “what do you want”? The young man finally gasped, “Air; I want air!”
“Good,” answered Socrates. “Now, when you want knowledge as much as you wanted air, you shall have it.”

EVERY EVENT, every outcome is an expression of love from the universe giving us the opportunity to realize the truth or not. We have free will. We can use these experiences for our ultimate purpose; to discover greater inner worth, security, freedom, and fulfillment. Or, we can sink into fear, discouragement, pain, bitterness, resentment, anger, guilt, hate, and/or helplessness. This is our free will.
The Writings on Our Walls

We all have writing on our walls, sometimes we know what is written there, more often it is hidden. It is within our subconscious mind and in fact, if we reality check it, often we will find it is not something we even believe. So how did it get there? Who wrote on my wall?
The truth is they are just guidelines and strategies we have adopted for getting through life, some of them are even childhood survival skills – And many of them are fictions. They are hand me down beliefs that were written on our walls by well-meaning others and we have been dutifully obeying them ever since. To understand what is written on our walls and transform our thoughts, requires a process known as self-discovery.

We all talk about stress. But how much do we know about the dangers of stress?
Recently, I became a member to the American Institute of Stress and started to investigate some recent research and studies that have been done. I was amazed to find out that according to AIS, 90% of all medical visits are stress-related, and that stress is at all-time high. According to the same studies, job pressure, co-worker tension, bosses, work overload, money, relationships, media and poor nutrients are the top causes of stress.
A Dialogue Between the Mind and Heart

“The heart is actually the inner organ of perception, by means of which the head perceives everything that takes place in the body. The heart is the center of the Universe.”
– Rudolf Steiner
What is it that makes our life magical? Just like dancing or going out on a true adventure?
Often enough, I wonder, as to what makes one’s mind to love life much and another one to withdraw?
One body to dance with the Universe, while the other allows the clock to run out?
Give Yourself the Gift of Personal Peace

We all deserve personal peace and we all have the ability to create this for ourselves and for others. We have the free will to perceive every behavior, situation or event as the perfect opportunity to fine-tune our perceptions of ourselves, others and life. Every event, every outcome, is an expression of love from the universe giving us an opportunity to use it to realize the truth or not. We have free will. We can use these experiences for their ultimate purpose – discovering greater inner worth, security, freedom and fulfillment.
Rough, Rigid Patterns that Prevent our Loveliness (Part Two)

CARING FOR OUR LIFE requires that we become sensitive to any parts that are rough and begin to polish patterns that are rigid. Kindness is our loving Spirit in action, and if we are to be kind to the outside world, we must first be kind to our self and transform our fixed and inflexible ways.
Discovering Our Self

Dialogue with the Heart … Author Unknown
“What are you afraid of?” the man asked his heart.
The heart didn’t reply.
“There is no one out there that will hurt you, I’ll protect you. I have grown, I am strong now, you have nothing to fear.”
Still the heart did not reply.
“Tell me, heart. Was it our father? Was it our brothers? Was it one of our lovers? None of that matters now, I am grown, no one can do anything to us.”
The heart remained quiet … closed.
The man grew frustrated. “Heart, you are a coward. Maybe you are defective. Maybe I just don’t have a heart that works properly. No wonder I can’t feel love.”
The heart closed even tighter.
For many years the man walked around, falling ever deeper into despair about his defective heart. Then one day the man grew very quiet. Quiet enough that he thought he could almost hear a whisper coming from his heart. He asked with all the compassion he was capable of, “Heart, what are you afraid of?”
The heart whispered back, “You. I’m afraid of you.”
The man cried. He had protected his heart from everyone but the one person that could hurt it the most – the critic within.