“I have been lucky to meet some incredible people who do not possess what you would traditionally class as power, but through their charisma, passion, and strength of character, they are able to achieve things that ‘richer or more powerful people’ could only dream of.”
Holly Branson

We would like to welcome all of you in our Website.  The Mind Is the Map is a learning center soon to be connected with Eudaimonia Workshop and Seminars. Our purpose is to promote ideas and concepts in the areas of personal development and emotional intelligence and allow the engagement of conversations with different viewpoints.

Presently we are working towards the creation of a discussion forum. This discussion forum will have members in different ranks, willing to contribute towards the development of life improvement topics.

Our goal will be to provide relevant and visionary ideas in line with our mission statement and promote goodwill conversations within new members and all those seeking assistance and willing to post their thoughts, ideas or questions.

  Our simplistic rule of thumb is the Use of Common-Sense allowing involvement of others. In the beginning we would like to review all subjects prior to being posted.

Let us use our golden nuggets to create an amazing forum that will allow us to create the best story of our life.



Dimitrios and Christina are founders of EUDAIMONIA CENTER LLC, offering personal empowerment, motivation, self-discovery and connection to Life Force Energy. Our purpose is to help people understand Emotional Intelligence and become consciously aware of their beliefs, feelings and thoughts about themselves and others.

We at Eudaimonia believe that humans have one basic motive, which is the tendency to fulfill one’s potential and achieve the highest level of ‘human-being-ness’ we can. Our dreams embody all our longings and desires and hold the promise of love through our spiritual connection as possibilities to be fulfilled. It is important to realize that we are co-creators with our source of all that is; and therefore, there is nothing we cannot create in our life.

Observing our emotions is as important as observing our thoughts. We can free ourselves from the pain of negative emotions by no longer identifying who we are or think we are from the mind or the Ego. Emotional Intelligence is feeling, knowing, and understanding our emotions. We use our discernment and wisdom to generate more choices and turn possibilities and opportunities to personal realities

Our purpose will be to find the true meaning of happiness-eudaimonia and make the best of our life. The truth is that lasting happiness will be only be achieved when the mind itself has let go of its need to find external sources of happiness. We must learn how to reverse this process and discover the happiness of within. As Mother Teresa has said ““In this life we cannot do great things; We can do small things with great Love.”

Our desire to love and be loved is deeply imprinted within us. Keeping the gift of love flowing requires making deposits into the love bank. We need to spend this wealth (love) to all those around us and further within our communities and out into our world so we can all live in peace and freedom; so that we can all live open, loving, and joyful lives.

Living in the present means slowing down, allowing each moment to be enhanced by focusing on our breath, our energy, our senses and our consciousness. We can learn to cultivate our ability to become observers of our breath, energy, senses, thoughts and emotions and life experiences.

We are here to create a new model for Leadership with effective leaders that can connect emotionally with their staff in a way that inspires and allows mutual trust. We will be working hard to create new business models, offering solutions aligned with consciousness and right actions, including environmental concerns that are now emerging on a global scale.

We know that EVERYTHING IS changing, there is a new awakening right now. Co-operation and co-creating on a global scale are happening and people are changing the way they view their lives and the world around them. It is a time for a deep reflection in our understanding of the nature of humanity and shifting in consciousness towards the discovery of our own true and perfect nature.


How our Book came into being

A good personal empowerment book is one that guides us to flourish in all areas of our lives. It includes inspiration, motivation, great advice, personal knowledge, solid scientific facts, and the knowledge into what it takes to live happy and successful lives. It is a book that lives long after the pages are done, by providing the help needed to continue to make positive changes.  That’s exactly what you will find in our newly released book, On October 7, 2018 “The Mind is the Map” 

The book provides over twenty-five years experiential wisdom after studying thousands of cases of people’s habitual patterns and emotions. The Book offers answers to some very big questions. “Why do I do what I do and why do I keep doing it? How often do I react to people and situations based on old habits of perceiving, thinking, feeling, and behaving? Are we here to live passive lives, using the old programmed templates of our ancestors, or can we really create our own lives?

Our book came to life in a magical and serendipitous way. We live in different countries and for the past few years we were responding to each other’s Face Book posts.  We had many deep and meaningful conversations and many of our mutual friends were privy to our writings. These wonderful friends encouraged us a few times, asking us when we were going to write a book together!  Well, we decided to do just that and from a distance.

A huge part of our gratitude is for the greatness we have seen in others as we followed our mission to complete this work. We were deeply moved by the experiences of many others and for the encouragement and support we encountered. It was as if something in us was stirred, awakened and came forth to meet what was inside us all along.