Eudaimonia Mastery Course

Posted: January 11, 2019 Author: Erin

From a Student perspective:
Words can not convey the impact this course has had on me, my life and my relationships, with myself and others. I took this course during a time when my father was ill, and dying throwing our close-knit family into a tail spin. This course gave me perspective, healing and peace through a time when these feelings and skills are sorely limited. Through the first year for Eudaimonia Mastery Course I was able to bring to light my childhood traumas and deep seeded fears and pain. I was able to hold them up to the light with Christina beside me safely and lovingly releasing them to the light. I was able to forgive myself and others for, being human. Through my second year I was able to further empower myself with Christina’s guidance to deepen my understanding of Energy Psychology and its power to free us from the mind torment which can begun to Manifest physically if left unchecked. Once again, we set about the work of eliminating limited beliefs and rewriting the Writing on My Wall. These skills and tools make up my tool kit of self care, empowerment and sustainability through responsibility of my actions and inaction. Everyone needs this course, everyone needs this opportunity to surpass our limitations and self-inflicted pain. Give yourself permission today, tomorrow is too late!

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