Ecstasy and Love

Ecstasy and love is not the same thing. We often get them confused. There are some connections that open us so wide that we cannot help but call them love. But they may not be. They may just be a transcend-dance, an invitation to delight, the heart opening that we so desperately needed after years encased in armor. We call certain people into our lives to awaken us, to re-heart us, but that doesn’t mean they are the beloved. If a love is real, it is a portal to the all that is; excavating light and shadow from their hiding places. The glory and the gory, rise in unison, calling us to the sky and the earth in one fell swoop. Love is far more than floating to the heavens on a dreamy magic carpet. Love is sustainable. Love is inclusive. Love has feet that walk through time and space.
Acceptance and Effort

Some of us are seeking continuously and dynamically to improve the quality of life for our self and others, while at the same time, we need to remember to accept at every stage the results of those efforts. We need a delicate balance of making efforts to improve ourselves and our surroundings and at the same time, accepting ourselves and the results of our efforts at every stage of that process.
The Yellow Brick Road

Attention: Anyone who’s not in Kansas anymore….
I had an experience recently; an incident with a Bee and my finger…..ouch! I came to understand that the Bee might have been trying to tell me to simply BE.
I have had so many projects on the go and I found I was in my busyness and I was finding it hard to stay on my own Yellow Brick Road because I couldn’t stay out of the poppy fields or I found myself fighting flying monkeys.
We’ve all had times in our lives when we feel confused or need help staying on our true road to success…..BTW… many thanks to the friend that guided me….smiling.