The Truth of Oneness … There is NO You and Me

This post is the first one in a series of three relating to understanding the concept of Oneness.
All is one energy – one consciousness. We all constitute one united field of energy and consciousness that appears as separate beings and objects. This is the truth of Oneness … There is no you and me. Therefore, when we purify our individual energetic vibratory frequency to that system, we change the whole system.
We are all connected through a collective unconscious, a morphogenetic field, a united causal body or a quantum zero-point field or one united universal consciousness. This means that we affect each other with every thought, word and action.
The question is how do we affect each other and how is our personal and common reality created?

As you set out to discovery your unique true essence, you will in all probability discover qualities and talents that you never knew existed. Alignment with your true self means becoming the person you were always intended to be. It brings a deep sense of fulfillment which extends to all aspects of life. In our everyday life it means that we eventually create the life pattern which best expresses what we have to offer. Unfulfilled people are restless and bored at home and at work, and with life in general. They are sometimes destructive and usually unhappy. Ego satisfaction is never more than temporary, and it is always illusionary. The true self is the source of creativity, individual expression and uniqueness.
The Call for Change is Ever Present in the Evolutionary Process.

Dimitrios Spanos: Of course, we need only look at ancient history to see that the evolutionary process is always a call for change. Walking in the ancient Greek Agora allowed me to feel the essence of past times. I envisioned, the old Athenians interacting and conducting business. I imagined, listening to the words of great philosophers speaking. For example, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle speaking about the mind and the heart. And of course, Pericles addressing his fellow Athenians asking them to respect each other. And I pondered on the great works of Homer while remembering the Sappho’s poetry.
Birthing the Concept of Democracy
In ancient Athens, the Agora was an open area serving as a meeting place for its citizens. Located in the middle of the city, the agora was not only a place of trading. It was also a center of philosophical, political and justice matters. Over two and half thousand years ago. the Athenians gathered at the agora to give birth to the concept of democracy and unity, undoubtedly seeking higher levels of consciousness.
The Child of the Universe

On my personal journey, in the beginning, I knew little past the writing on my walls and my decisions and choices in life were a reflection of my own making within my own mind. While I’ve always had a lot of faith, I knew little of religion, belief, and philosophy other than what I had read and studied of others works. Then one day, I had an experience, what seemed like in hindsight a sort of loss of consciousness.
I entered a deep meditation, it felt like a disappearing and vanishing of everything I thought I had understood. This included myself, as the one aware and yet awareness continued. The nature of that awareness was pure and untouched by space, time and everything external. I was in a state of absolute bliss, a time when even I, as the experiencer did not exist. It was so sublime that even words did not exist to describe the fulfillment of my heart’s desire. I only felt fullness, completion, bliss and LOVE.
Collective Consciousness is a Mental Symphony… Tune Up!

We, as the collective consciousness upon the earth, are like members of a great universal orchestra. Each of us have our part to play. The harmony of the universal piece (called life), we are playing depends on two basic requirements from each member of the orchestra. Each of us must first know our part, and, secondly, must be capable of playing it. All other life forms in nature know automatically their parts and play them with the help of the cosmic conductor called Nature or God.
As the most advanced aspect of nature, we have a unique quality called free will. Many of us have separated ourselves from nature and its laws. The gift of free will means that we have the choice to play our part or not. Along with this gift, we also have the responsibility to develop the inner qualities necessary to play our part.
In present time we may say that the Earth Symphony Orchestra is considerably off key and it’s sound is quite discordant. We’re each playing our own song, each trying to sing, or play louder than the others. The result is competition, aggression, strikes, violence, famine, poverty and war. This is happening because few have found their real part in this symphony. Out of discontent, many are competing rather than cooperating with the others. (more…)
Live an Extraordinary Life

The difference between an ordinary life and an extraordinary life is only a matter of perspective. Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you can start.
Change can enter our lives silently and this change can be just as important as change we have worked hard for. Sometimes, without any big announcement or momentous shift, we wake up to find that change has happened, seemingly without us. This can feel like a miracle as we suddenly see that our self-esteem really does seem to be intact, or our partner actually is helping out around the house more.
We may even wonder whether all of our hard work had anything to do with it, or if it just happened by way of grace. This doesn’t mean that our efforts play no part in the miracle of change—they do. It’s just that they are one small part of the picture that finally results in the softening of our hearts.
Optimism and Pessimism

Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute…. George Bernard Shaw
Do you view the glass as half empty, or half full? Or have we got the glass-half-full metaphor all wrong?
Our Perception is a Matter of Perspective.
We were taught that pessimists see the glass as half-empty while optimists see it as half-full. Perhaps it has more to do with what YOU DO than how you see the glass. For example: does thinking positively make us healthier? Or is it that being healthier leads us to think positively?
We all have ‘sunnier’ days in which we wear the rosy and bright glasses, and ‘rainier’ days when the world is seen through the gray and dark glasses. Some people, have a consistent tendency to think, feel and behave, in a way that is unbalanced and inclined toward one of the extremes on the optimism-pessimism continuum.
The Essence and Balance of Desire

CR: I’ve been pondering desire, its essence and its forms. There are positive, the negative and the natural everlasting state of perpetual desire. I think the concepts of desire deserve more than a passing glance. It’s worth contemplating where there is value in desire and different degrees and flavors.
One aspect of desire is that it is instinctive and natural. When we look around at nature, we can see that for survival. All living things, desire food, water, rest and reproduction. Human desire is often criticized when it comes to ones that are connected to expectations, attachments, addictions.
What Does it Mean to be Living Love?

Corinthians 13
“If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing…….. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
Let us listen to the words of Eric Pevernagie: “Love can crystallize things. When love is in the air, distressing rain can become a wonderful avalanche of shimmering diamonds. Raindrops are transformed into a flood of sparkling crystal pearls. The power of love can convert rain into a multitude of glittering prisms. The mental seduction of love and a boundless illusion, inflamed by a profound uprising emotion, can change any ordinary incident into a radiant, luminous voyage.”
DS: For some time now, and like many others, I have been pondering on the meaning of love and although love is not easy to define, it is our biggest and greatest investment on Earth. Our desire to love and be loved is deeply imprinted within us. The only way to experience love, is by loving one’s self. This is what is known as “becoming love.” It is about keeping our hearts open for loving others and life itself. Christina, during some difficult moments, I have heard you say, “What would love do now?” And my question to you is, “Why Choose love and how does it benefit each situation?”
Choosing Love
CR: Conscious love is the highest quality of love. It is a level of love whereby you have found that sacred place you speak of within yourself and then you become this love. You are a statement of that love and every action is not consciously designed to assert your love by saying you love everyone and everyone must love you. You have become love and have no need for anyone to love you.
You will experience a feeling of being in tune with the Universe energy of love. Look at it this way, you are not actively loving, but you are “in” love; living within the space of conscious love, which is Christ love. For me that’s what love is all about. To become this higher love, you will need to shift within you whatever it is that keeps you from being love.
Dimitri, yes, I have learned to ask this question, “What would love do now?” whenever I feel blindsided by an experience I was not expecting or confused as to how to respond. Choosing this one action allows love to mature emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It enables us to achieve higher levels of consciousness, spiritual perception and energy. It allows love an open space to express itself, and gives us the energy to free ourselves from attachments and habits that obstruct our energy and love. I have found that rather than being reactive, this one choice also seems to inspire others to do the same. It brings us peace, because we experience harmony with our conscience and highest ideals. We feel good about ourselves and our lives. It makes us wiser and stronger on all levels.
Experiencing Love
DS: I totally agree with you dear friend. Choosing conscious love begins by loving ourselves. If you want to achieve it, just try to be right here, open, honest, straight. Take everything that happens to you and use it in relation to your awakening to LOVE. And when you go about your day, take in the feelings in your body, the lights, the walking on the cement, the water, or whatever is around you take it all in, in love. There is no need to worship the feelings of love and no need to run from them either. Acknowledge them, allow them, they are all a part of the dance.
I remember a number of experiences that brought me closer to the essence of conscious love.
A couple of years ago I was dealing with some major challenges and during that time I found myself surrounded by the beauty and magnificence of a Lake. While reflecting on the lakes water and surroundings, I felt a deep need towards loving, accepting myself and my inner feelings, forgiving my past actions and moving forward.
A few years later, I recall a second heartfelt memory that remains forever engraved in my heart. Again, it was next to a lake that I experienced a deeper sense of love’s presence. I started to live in a vibrational field of true love that was flowing permeating everything. It felt like a different state of being… beyond the mind, from heart to soul. My love was no longer contained within me but begun to flow out and change the immediate environment, the cosmos and the Universe. This experience opened me up to Universal Conscious Love and gave me the opportunity for further growth. It was a moment full of fascination, enthusiasm, passion and the energy of love that became an experience of complete freedom, fulfillment and abundance.
The Power is to Love with Intelligence
CR: Yes, my friend, this is a great topic to explore, thanks for bringing it on! This higher love you speak of can only flow from wisdom and strength. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in life – and one I wished I had learned in my twenties or thirties is that Love is an emotion and Wisdom is the antithesis of emotion. Whereas love can be foolish and blind, wisdom is intelligent, clear-eyed, and directed. Love simply happens; but wisdom is gained through experiences that lead us to a much deeper understanding of love.
When love is guided by knowledge, we are not led down blind alleys by emotion. Wisdom and love could not be farther apart, which means they cannot be one in the same. The fact is that love and wisdom are related – very closely related. The heart can and does inform logic. It can make us wiser. It is our refusal to let our emotions run wild. We can create peace in our lives regardless of what’s happening in our experiences. Simply loving for loves sake our lives become much more peaceful and rewarding.
DS: I agree! Love has everything in life and we need to get this right. We need to realize that love is the most powerful thing that we have. By cultivating the higher energy of love, we can change any experience. Imagine that Love creates a vortex of purpose that allows positive energy to flow to everyone. The reality is, we’re here to grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When growth stops, we automatically feel like something’s gone wrong. Because it has. Without growth, we aren’t fulfilling our soul’s purpose.
Love is a practice of acceptance, being in the present moment and reaching out into vulnerable territory. What it is NOT is a destination. I see it as a journey, an exploration. Christina, my response to the question of “What would love do now?”, is that the answer will be different every time and because of this we will all grow in ways we never have before.
Love thrives within its own space. The magic of living and loving is found in our own garden of love. This sacred place gives birth to our own perfect nature and becomes an embodiment of love. The path of Love leads you from the outer vision of physical beauty toward the inner vision of expanded, contemplative insight. It conquers, endures, becomes boundless. Love’s transcendent power raises our soul to divine awareness. I consider love to be the offspring of spiritual affinity and our heart’s true commitment to the Universe.
There is nothing higher, nothing more beautiful, than love and it is worth all sacrifices and illusions. LOVE allows us to experience our higher self. No amount of knowledge, wisdom or discipline opens the door to higher levels of consciousness, peace and happiness as easily as love.
Blessings of love, Christina and Dimitri
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The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear is the mother of all emotions.
How many times have you felt yourself shrink, sometimes small enough to fit into some role? For example, YOU might have kept your mouth shut when you wanted to speak out. Perhaps you handed over your power to someone who didn’t have your best interests at heart. Have you told yourself, “I can’t? I’m not strong enough? I’m not courageous or confident enough? I’m not smart enough?