Life Force Energy … Creating a Solid Foundation

CR: A good strong foundation anchors our life force energy in the physical plane, it ensures our survival and the quality of the life we live. We thrive well with constancy and we function well with stability in our lives. When the foundation of our life is healthy; it expands and supports our life more fully. We can take on more responsibilities, be more creative and more playful. A healthy foundation is flexible, and at the same time enjoys the daily rhythms of life.
DS: This stability allows us to be more patient as our life unfolds; less reactive, less volatile to what is external to our being as we learn to accept life as it is. A strong foundation also helps us to maintain our spiritual connection when the winds of change blow in our lives. Without a strong foundation the irregularities and mishaps of life will blow us about and wreak havoc in our lives. Our Spirit will not survive well with constant change and we will be like a feather in the wind.

DS: Christina, while many of our patterns regarding our relationships with others have a positive contribution and ascend us to higher levels of consciousness, there are some others that make us suffer and deplete our energy. I am referring to certain negative emotions and when we have a hard time accepting responsibility for our negative decisions triggered by an external stimulus. For instance, in some cases, when I get angry I may try to forcefully change others, so they can fit my expectations.
CR: Dimitri, to truly support people in their own growth, transformation, grief, etc., we can’t do it by taking their power away (ie. trying to fix their problems), shaming them (ie. implying that they should know more than they do) or overwhelming them (i.e.. giving them more information than they’re ready for).
We must be prepared to step to the side so that they can make their own choices, offer them unconditional love and support, give gentle guidance when it’s needed, and make them feel safe even when they make mistakes.

The Pain of Loneliness
We experience the pain loneliness when we feel cut off emotionally and energy-wise from others and life. It is a feeling of emptiness. We believe that if we are not accepted by others, and the pain of loneliness often seems unbearable to us. However, we are capable of overcoming this pain and finding wholeness within our true self.
The Difference Between Being Alone and Feeling Lonely
The truth is that feeling lonely has nothing to do with how many people are around us, but has to do with our ability to feel our connection to our self and others. Some of us have had the experience where we might have hundreds of people who love and admire us and yet we feel alone. Loneliness is an experience we inflict upon ourselves, it is our beliefs that create this reality.
A Conversation about Reality and Imagination

“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.”
… Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.” … John Maynard Keynes
Dimitrios Spanos: Christina, what is imagination?
Christina Reeves: Imagination is the quality that outdoes reality; any kind of reality. Imagination is the infinite road. Imagination isn’t a system. It might invent systems, but it is non-material. It’s a capacity. It feels no compulsion to imitate reality. It makes realities. Its scope is limited only by a person’s imagining of how far imagination can go.

“To the gods we attributed a dazzling existence
Consubstantial with the sea the clouds trees and light
In them the waves’ glinting the foam’s long white frieze
The woods’ secret and soft green the wheat’s tall gold
The river’s meandering the mountain’s solemn fire
And the great dome of resonant weightless free air
Emerged as self-aware consciousness
With no loss of the first day’s marriage-and-feast oneness
Anxious to have this experience for ourselves
We humans repeated the ritual gestures that re-establish
The initial whole presence of things –
This made us attentive to all forms known by the light of day
As well as to the darkness which lives within us And in which the ineffable shimmer travels
The Greeks”
– Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen an award-winning Portuguese poet and writer.
“Lisbon’s many nooks and crannies are home to numerous attractions that continue to surprise and seduce visitors. The city’s charm lies in its inspiring architecture, enchanting squares and Moorish legacy.” … DK Eyewitness travel.

“Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy and vain. To be a warrior one needs to be light and fluid… Self-importance is man’s greatest enemy.” -Carlos Castaneda.
Once, there was a farmer who had an amazing Goose. Each day he would visit her nest and the Goose would lay a beautiful, golden egg.
The farmer would take the egg to market and soon afterwards he began to get rich. However, after a while he became greedy and felt that he was not getting rich fast enough.
One day, he came with an idea that he could get all the golden eggs at once by killing the Goose. After he finished the deed, he realized that not a single egg came out. He was devastated and realized that he had killed the golden goose that was giving him the golden eggs.
- How aware are you of the result of your actions?
- Do you evaluate the choices of your decisions by weighting their costs and benefits?
- Are you satisfied and grateful for what you have?

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on a heel that has crushed it.” -Mark Twain
Life is beautiful, graceful, marvelous but at times difficult and hurtful. There are moments when we go through harsh and painful situations. We feel wrong things are done to us, something negative said or a hurtful event against us and start to have feelings of hurtfulness and resentment.
Science and Spirituality – Are They Connected?

Hmmm …. This is such a timeless question and one that has been posed many times, down though the centuries. It is also a divisive question, one that has been hotly debated and argued by many.
Is it a matter of timing? Yes! It was not possible to create harmonious societies on a large scale, until we had experienced the events of the last decades. Just as it’s impossible for a newborn to get up and walk, the new ways of being could not have been realized until we passed through the events that are still ongoing. The preferred visions of a co-operative, selfless society cannot come true until we have matured to the next stage of our evolution. This is the spiritual awakening process we are undergoing now.

Only a person who has passed through the gates of Humility can ascend to the heights of Spirit. -Rudolf Steiner
Humility is a refusal of excessiveness. Humility allows me to see myself honestly and objectively without any comparison to others. While also being able to cultivate a deep and satisfactory feeling within. I am telling the world that I am not better and greater than any other.
Humility is what frees us from the need of self-importance and denotes the strength of our character. Humility is expressed as modesty and harmony towards life. An understanding that there is something higher than us making us powerful beyond any measure.
7 Spiritual Thoughts to Brighten Your Day

1. I am a blessed child of God.
I’m an immortal, invulnerable spirit. A soul in the process of evolution. I am a cell in the universal body of the universal spirit and I am continually in contact with that universal power at some level. I am protected and sustained by that power.
2. I am happy, peaceful, loving and content.
My value as a human being does not depend on how much I accomplish or how intelligent I am, or how attractive I appear, but on how sincere my intentions and efforts are and how much they are in agreement with my inner values.