Science and Spirituality – Are They Connected?

Hmmm …. This is such a timeless question and one that has been posed many times, down though the centuries. It is also a divisive question, one that has been hotly debated and argued by many.
Is it a matter of timing? Yes! It was not possible to create harmonious societies on a large scale, until we had experienced the events of the last decades. Just as it’s impossible for a newborn to get up and walk, the new ways of being could not have been realized until we passed through the events that are still ongoing. The preferred visions of a co-operative, selfless society cannot come true until we have matured to the next stage of our evolution. This is the spiritual awakening process we are undergoing now.

Only a person who has passed through the gates of Humility can ascend to the heights of Spirit. -Rudolf Steiner
Humility is a refusal of excessiveness. Humility allows me to see myself honestly and objectively without any comparison to others. While also being able to cultivate a deep and satisfactory feeling within. I am telling the world that I am not better and greater than any other.
Humility is what frees us from the need of self-importance and denotes the strength of our character. Humility is expressed as modesty and harmony towards life. An understanding that there is something higher than us making us powerful beyond any measure.
7 Spiritual Thoughts to Brighten Your Day

1. I am a blessed child of God.
I’m an immortal, invulnerable spirit. A soul in the process of evolution. I am a cell in the universal body of the universal spirit and I am continually in contact with that universal power at some level. I am protected and sustained by that power.
2. I am happy, peaceful, loving and content.
My value as a human being does not depend on how much I accomplish or how intelligent I am, or how attractive I appear, but on how sincere my intentions and efforts are and how much they are in agreement with my inner values.
How to Grow Spiritually… What We Seek, We Already Are

Most people long to experience spiritual growth. We all want to live a more harmonious life in which they feel a sense of inner peace and contentment. But few are able to satisfy the basic needs of love and peace. Many live lives full of stress, conflict, worry, fear, anxiety and other negative emotions. This is not who we are. We are Spirit; the universal consciousness, which is one with God. There is a spark of Divine in each of us that is unchanging, omnipresent, all knowing. We all have the ability to live our lives in a state of bliss.
What is Spirituality?

I’ve heard this question so many times and I have heard so many different responses. What spirituality means depends on who you ask. Some think it is New Age. I believe it is more of a way of being and living life of acceptance and alignment with all that is. Spirituality is basically a matter of consistency between our higher intellect (our conscience) and our thoughts, words and actions. It is when our thoughts and movements are in harmony with our conscience and the highest spiritual ideas within us.
Living Fully, Learning How to Love Well

“In this life life we cannot do great things; We can do small things with great Love.” ….Mother Teresa
Living fully and loving well is to keep smiling and doing many little things with joy and when we do these activities with great love, our mind is awaken to a new consciousness and the loving capacity of our heart shifts to a new higher field.
Happiness is in The Present

The Mind is Not Free to be Happy…Happiness is in the Present
In order to experience happiness, we will need to learn live in the present without the pain, bitterness, anger or guilt of the past or the anxiety or fear concerning the future. If we examine our unpleasant emotions we will discover that they are 95 % based on the past of future.
All of our pain, bitterness, anger, shame and guilt have to do with memories – even if those memories are about yesterday or this morning. If our memory was erased, we would not have any of those emotions. We have experienced them because we are allowing something that we are remembering (consciously or subconsciously) to stimulate those feelings. Without a past, there can be no pain, anger or guilt.