How Do I Describe My Own Energetic Vibrational Footprint

So many people today are chasing success and sacrificing their time, their relationships, and their sanity to get “there” at any cost, without even considering the cost of their Life Force Energy. How do I define my own energetic vibrational footprint?
What is The Highest and Best Use of my Energy?

In order to feel like we’re making the most of our Life Force Energy, we must first know what matters most to us. When you get clear and prioritize what’s most important to you, you won’t feel so trapped by lower level energies. What is the highest and best use of my energy?
What is it from my Past that Keeps Influencing my Present?

Our behaviors are the result of complicated belief structures. Reality is different for each one of us, but how we perceive reality is how we create reality. What is it from my past that keeps influencing my present?
Why am I Making Limited Decisions?
Learning to identify and work with these habitual patterns is the key to transforming our lives. Acknowledging that sometimes our past responses did not work very well for us, we start from the present moment and look for its creative potential. Why am I making limited decisions?
Will my Choices Give me Energy or Deplete my Energy?

Before you set out on your next big journey toward success, be sure to define what it looks like to you first. Then feel into your vision of your success. Using your imagination, try on different scenarios, and see what each one feels like from an energetic point of view. Will my choices give me energy or deplete my energy?
What am I Pretending Not to Know?

Ignoring your Life Force Energy can be dangerous. It can cause us to become ill; stay in a relationship too long; or keep us stuck in a business or job that doesn’t quite feel right. What am I pretending not to know?
What is it That is Actually Bothering Me?

Few of us have a very intimate knowledge of our patterns. All of us have developed habitual patterns of behavior and all automatic reactions are based on past experiences. What is it that is actually bothering me?
What Habitual Patterns do I Engage in When I have been Triggered?

By accepting our undesirable habitual patterns, we can learn to gently and skillfully work with them, soften our sharp edges, and gain confidence in our ability to respond to our experiences with wisdom. What habitual behavior patterns do I engage in when I have been triggered?