A Dialogue Between the Mind and Heart

“The heart is actually the inner organ of perception, by means of which the head perceives everything that takes place in the body. The heart is the center of the Universe.”
– Rudolf Steiner
What is it that makes our life magical? Just like dancing or going out on a true adventure?
Often enough, I wonder, as to what makes one’s mind to love life much and another one to withdraw?
One body to dance with the Universe, while the other allows the clock to run out?
Creating Our Best Life

I thought I would write a few articles on this topic and this is the fourth in the series.
There is a “higher love” that is our life force energy and this love is not the ordinary love of this world. This love is the center of our lives; the heart is the center of our life force energy. It radiates from our heart and is the conduit for love to flow through us. It never forgets an act of kindness or a moment of love and stores the memories of love. We must feel the flow of love to be fulfilled no matter how that is expressed…..love recognizes itself only in love.
A Heart that is Loving is the Purest Wisdom

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in life – and one I wished I had learned in my twenties or thirties … Love is an emotion and Wisdom is a cerebral function, the antithesis of emotion. Whereas love can be foolish and blind, wisdom is intelligent, clear-eyed, and directed. Love simply happens; but wisdom is gained through experiences that lead us to deeper understandings.
Emotional Intelligence is guided by knowledge not led down blind alleys by emotion. (more…)
Let Love Lead the Way

Love is who we are at the core of our being. We are an integral part of creation, woven into the very fabric of the universe. We are hardwired to know how to love one another all we need do is tap into our nature of being human at a deeper level. Whereas the brain is responsible for giving love its physical expression, love comes from the soul. The question is “Why this higher love seems to be so elusive to so many?” Although we can journey outside our self, the person to give our love to in truth is the one we are with every minute of the day, our self. The most rewarding way to find love is to go within, to live and experience the very source of love. This source of love does not fluctuate up and down, it is not dependent on our fickle minds thoughts and believes, or how others choose to see us, nor does it depend on the lovable and unlovable traits we think we see in others and our self.
Experience Peace with Unconditional Love

We are living in chaotic times, our world is suffering, continuous moments of powerless and feelings of injustice. The condition of the outer world at the present time is such that those who sincerely seek the light and want the constructive way of life must have more than human help if they are to survive over the present period of chaos which is the accumulated discord generated by the collective humanity en masse through the centuries, and which is pressing heavily upon the outer experience of individuals and our world today.
Ecstasy and Love

Ecstasy and love is not the same thing. We often get them confused. There are some connections that open us so wide that we cannot help but call them love. But they may not be. They may just be a transcend-dance, an invitation to delight, the heart opening that we so desperately needed after years encased in armor. We call certain people into our lives to awaken us, to re-heart us, but that doesn’t mean they are the beloved. If a love is real, it is a portal to the all that is; excavating light and shadow from their hiding places. The glory and the gory, rise in unison, calling us to the sky and the earth in one fell swoop. Love is far more than floating to the heavens on a dreamy magic carpet. Love is sustainable. Love is inclusive. Love has feet that walk through time and space.