A Heart that is Loving is the Purest Wisdom

Posted: October 10, 2018 Author: Christina Reeves

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in life – and one I wished I had learned in my twenties or thirties … Love is an emotion and Wisdom is a cerebral function, the antithesis of emotion. Whereas love can be foolish and blind, wisdom is intelligent, clear-eyed, and directed. Love simply happens; but wisdom is gained through experiences that lead us to deeper understandings.

Emotional Intelligence is guided by knowledge not led down blind alleys by emotion. Wisdom and love could not be farther apart, which means they could not be one in the same, in fact love and wisdom are related – very closely related. The heart can and does inform logic. It can make us wiser. Our refusal to let our emotions run wild can create peace in our lives regardless of what’s happening in our experiences. Mindful awareness is a way of remaining in our center and is far more important than any minor infractions that seemingly upset the balance in our everyday lives.

In other words, simply preserving love for love’s sake our lives become much more peaceful and rewarding.

The Dalai Lama spoke of the palliative benefits of love when he wrote, “One can overcome the forces of negative emotions, like anger and hatred, by cultivating their counter forces, like love and compassion.”
Learning to love all people – not just our children, partners and friends– is a giant step in our evolutionary process. When we can love all people at some level, regardless of their differences, and value our relationships with others from a place of love, we have the potential to create an amazing world. Think, how wonderful the world would be if local, national, and international relations were guided by the love we have for one another.

May our love for others reign supreme and may love guide us all on to a path that is simultaneously fulfilling and nurturing for All. Love and light …… Christina

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