As you set out to discovery your unique true essence, you will in all probability discover qualities and talents that you never knew existed. Alignment with your true self means becoming the person you were always intended to be. It brings a deep sense of fulfillment which extends to all aspects of life. In our everyday life it means that we eventually create the life pattern which best expresses what we have to offer. Unfulfilled people are restless and bored at home and at work, and with life in general. They are sometimes destructive and usually unhappy. Ego satisfaction is never more than temporary, and it is always illusionary. The true self is the source of creativity, individual expression and uniqueness.
Your Most Fearsome Enemy is Unseen

Within each of us there is a quiet inner presence, a gentle encouraging, and empowering voice that always guides you. There is however, another voice within each of us, a louder one that is often a critical voice, complete with unrelenting frustration, impracticality and unrealistic hope. Don’t get them confused.
We all have experiences with the unseen enemy within. We might feel depressed, self-loathing, self-rejection, lack of confidence or motivation. These are all by-products of our inner villain and they are the root cause of our own failures and downfalls.
The critical voice often defeats you before you start, it is poised and ready to rob you of any credit for anything you do. It makes you afraid of trying anything new because you fear the loathing and regret that will follow. The solution is to become aware of this monster, understand its motives and manipulations and transform its demoralizing voice.
Cultivating Peace in Chaotic Times

During these Chaotic Times, one thing is extremely important in order to overcome any temporary crisis. In particular, it has to do with YOUR POWER to bring peace and harmony to yourself and the world around us.
For instance, there are periods in life when certain events and situations demand greater inner strength, courage, understanding, and optimism. Furthermore, they may be of a personal, familial, social, political or even planetary nature. For example, as a planet, we are going through multiple crises in which many of us are being tested in a myriad of ways. Each of us is being or will be affected to a different degree. And as a collective humanity, are experiencing concerns which affect the economy, the environment, global peace and stability.
Healing from a Dysfunctional Childhood

Our Childhood Experiences can leave wounds and scars that make their presence felt in clever little ways, long after we’ve “grown up”. If you find you have difficulty having healthy relationships or being successful at work, this may be what’s holding you back from having the life you want. A difficult past doesn’t have to cast a shadow over your life.
Our lives can be forever changed if we experienced a dysfunctional or traumatic childhood. Children who felt the pain of abuse or neglect or the loss of someone they loved continue to suffer even when they are adults. Sometimes we don’t recognize the signs of abuse, neglect, or some other kind of trauma or dysfunction in our childhood. Other times we tend to block out the memories or minimize them because of the pain we feel.
Your wounds may not be your fault, but your healing is your responsibility for living a happier, healthier life. (more…)
Eudaimonia Center Workshop Member Forum

At Eudaimonia Center we share the liberating wisdom of an approach that we both use in our personal daily practices, along with tools for putting it to work in your own lives. We offer our many years of experience in the field of human potential with ideas and insights into how you can expand your Awareness to become more conscious using two systems we have created—The Mind is the Map and what we call the “Writing on Our Walls.”
We will guide you toward your personal self-discovery process and explain how these discoveries affect your life experiences. You will learn to use new tools that can empower you to lead fulfilling personal and professional lives.
Value and Validation

“Your most precious, valued possessions and your greatest powers are invisible and intangible. No one can take them. You, and you alone, can give them.”…. W. Clement Stone
DS: I have been pondering the concept of value and validation. For example, why do we allow others to tell us who we are or live in accordance to their standards. I truly believe that we don’t need anyone to tell us, who we are. There is no need to base our value on how much we make, how big our home is compared to others or how important we are.
Our true value is based solely how we live our life with authenticity and how we embrace our inner self. Awareness, consciousness and emotional intelligence can empower us to live our values independent of what others think.
The Essence and Balance of Desire

CR: I’ve been pondering desire, its essence and its forms. There are positive, the negative and the natural everlasting state of perpetual desire. I think the concepts of desire deserve more than a passing glance. It’s worth contemplating where there is value in desire and different degrees and flavors.
One aspect of desire is that it is instinctive and natural. When we look around at nature, we can see that for survival. All living things, desire food, water, rest and reproduction. Human desire is often criticized when it comes to ones that are connected to expectations, attachments, addictions.

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear is the mother of all emotions.
How many times have you felt yourself shrink, sometimes small enough to fit into some role? For example, YOU might have kept your mouth shut when you wanted to speak out. Perhaps you handed over your power to someone who didn’t have your best interests at heart. Have you told yourself, “I can’t? I’m not strong enough? I’m not courageous or confident enough? I’m not smart enough?
Integrity and Authenticity … Be True to Who You Are

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement.” … Ralph Waldo Emerson
The word integrity comes from the Latin root word for integrates, meaning wholeness. Integrity goes beyond speaking our truth to include taking responsibility for how we think and feel and what we do. In that sense, integrity and authenticity are joined together. It takes strength of character and integrity to make decisions based on personal conviction rather than popular opinion. With this in mind, living in integrity means you value honesty, commitment, and trustworthiness, and through your authentic actions you inspire trust and loyalty in others.
Why We Cannot “THINK” Our Way Out of Our Problems

Einstein once said, “The same mind that created the problem will never be the mind that is able to solve it.”
Try as you might, you cannot think your way out of your behavior problems. They are a product of your programmed habitual behaviors based on your perceptions of reality. In order to improve your reality, you must understand the mechanisms of its creation. As you continually try to experience the world within and around you, you are creating your own reality by the choices and actions you make.
What You See is Not in the Data.
We all experience life through our own perceptions and our interpretation of the data. Perception is your belief. When you truly believe in a perception, your subconscious mind sees it as the one and only reality, ignoring all other possibilities. This is true even if your database is skewed by old data that is not even something you believe in. Your subconscious mind will dutifully generate habitual behavior patterns that are coherent with those programmed “truths.” The problem is that most of these actions and choices we make are habitual responses to old data.