Devotion and Love

“True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.” … Ellen G. White
Devotion and Love go hand in hand. When it comes to truly loving someone, devotion becomes our dedication towards their good. We wholeheartedly give our attention to this individual and in all levels of our being. We begin to live in continuous moments of awakening, guided by the virtues of devotion, balance, selflessness, equanimity and love.
We can determine what is important from superficial, what is true from the false and just like a bird that has developed wings of perfection, we create a space that Love has no purpose but to fulfill itself.
DS: Christina, on my personal journey, I have experienced the virtue of devotion from my mother. Her love has been a sustaining force throughout my entire life. Her devotion has been a foundation towards strong and lasting relationships. It is through her virtue of devotion, that I have experienced unconditional love, kindness, constancy and compassion.
CR: Indeed Dimitri, devotion joins two loving hearts as one. Our journey of life becomes more fascinating when the experience of love includes surrender, devotion, selflessness, giving, gratitude, appreciation, kindness and bliss. When we feel innately lovable, we delight in the devotion of our loved ones and take real pleasure in the affection with which they interact with us. We can give affection in return, because we understand that all people deserve love.
DS: When we are devoted to someone and I don’t mean pathologically but freely and consciously, devotion leads us to higher levels.
We use the energy of our love to attain higher levels of consciousness. Our act of devotion generates warmth and becomes like fire that burns our egoic minds attachments.
We become free from the need of self-importance. We can subordinate our ego thus denoting our love in an outward flow both selflessly and unreservedly.
1. The feeling of devotion must be oriented wholeheartedly and in the direction of discovery and exploration. Devotion requires enthusiasm, pleasure, fascination and good energy of love.
2. Devotion is an act of looking up. It contains a spiritual aspect that allows spiritual union to take place. Our loved ones become spiritual partners that carry the projection of the higher self, radiating their love in the same way the sun radiates light.
3. It sustains love and creates a pattern of dedication. The needs of our loved one come first. Devotion requires love deposits that are selfless with the mirror of our heart opening to its luminous reflections.
4. It’s fiery, hot and dwells from the interior of our soul. It is full of fire that becomes an active force of willpower and energy towards the closeness of the relationship.
5. And lastly, devotion requires purity. We need to understand that we all pure souls, enshrined with purity and the ability to value devotion. Our heart, motives, will, and nature is good and pure. Purity is recognizing one’s sensitivity and humanness. It is just like the beatitude says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” With purity we allow devotion to allow love to be born within us.
…. Love and Light, Christina and Dimitri
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