Fate and Destiny

“Sometimes things happen to us that we don’t understand and become the doors and windows to our destiny.”
Andrea Nugent
Often enough we wonder about fate and destiny. Our world is constantly changing, new technology, new choices and new areas to explore. It is evident that more than ever, we now have the ability to co-create our lives with the rest of the world and the Universe.
What’s keeping us behind is our mind’s programming and our limited engagement. The truth is that many of us have been taught to accept what is given on the outside world and can’t even dream of anything anymore. We easily give up to the mind’s tendency of connecting with fear and doubt and allow ourselves to live with our past limitations.
When I was growing as a young boy in Greece I learned about the three Fates, the three women called Moirés’ responsible for everyone’s Fate. My ancestors always believed that a person’s life at birth was completely determined by three Moirés’, three mythical women who always worked with a thread that represented life and way to life.
Their names were Clotho, the spinner, Lachesis, the measurer and Atropos, the cutter. Clotho was always spinning the thread of life, Lachesis divided the lots that determined luck and Atropos was the one that would cut the lifeline when the final time had come.
Fate translates as Moiraio in Greek and refers to a prescribed course the vessel and paths of our life, such as our birth, decay and death. The word “fate” comes from the Latin fatum, which means “that which has been spoken and meant to be.” A predetermined way of life is our soul’s agreement right from its birth, sharing a particular body, appearance, race, family and friends.
Fate is our hologram, a matrix of threads and grids that we follow instinctively and which keeps following us for the entire length of our lives. Our fate moves, when we move and turns when we turn. There is nothing that we can do to avoid fate, except to stay open and wondrous allowing it to evolve. We accept whatever gift life bring us, as if we had chosen it ourselves.
There are many paradigms of fate, just like the story of Joseph in the Bible and if we look deeply at his life we will discover the ways fate and destiny play upon each other.
The story of Joseph evolves as follows: If he had not been sold as a slave, he would not have ended up in Potiphar’s house. If he had not been in Potiphar’s house, he would not have been thrown into prison. If he had not been thrown into prison, he would not have interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh’s officers. After he was summoned to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, he was eventually promoted to become prime minister over the Egyptian empire. From this story we can see that what might have been controversial, challenging and painful was part of Joseph’s fate. It became part of his success towards the discovery of his destiny. Joseph’s life is an example, of how our brave and courageous heart can keep us open to whatever life brings us so we can be guided into our destiny.
“Since human timetables quite often do not correspond with universal timetables, it’s common for people to feel that life is progressing too slowly or too quickly. We may draft carefully composed plans only to find that they fall into place when we least expect. Or, conversely, we are thrust into roles we believe we are not prepared for and wonder how we will survive the demands imposed upon us by unfamiliar circumstances. When delays in our progress kindle pangs of disappointment within us or the pace of life seems overwhelming, peace can be found in the simple fact that we are exactly where we need to be at this moment in our human evolutionary process.
Every person fulfills their purpose when the time is right. ” Christina Reeves
The Greek translation of destiny is pepromeno and refers to a prescribed course of life that starts and ends under the influence and the laws of participation. Destiny is not something we create but something that we work on by becoming more consistent to processes, such as embracing the present moment, realizing that we live within the tapestry of life and that we live in accordance with the larger universe. To discover our destiny, we need to be sensitive enough to coincidences and carefully examine the events, people, situations and places that make their presence in our daily life.
Just remember that you are the child of creation of your own destiny, your own master painter as you embark on life’s sacred journey. Allow the alchemy of time to shape your destiny and know that the universe always conspires for your best life. Keep in mind that life is the sum of experiences and fate’s storms are destiny’s rainbows .
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