Gratitude is Best

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life and turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” -Melody Beattie
Today is new day filling my heart with light, love and joy, a new day in my life and a new gift that I gratefully unwrap . I am truly thankful for this precious gift called life.
Our world is blessed with much natural beauty. Our cities our full of landmark buildings and monuments of magnificent beauty. God’s grace leads us to unity ,oneness and wholeness.
I know that from all God’s works, I am the brightest and purest, a universal gift of beauty.
Gratitude is what makes me appreciate the Earth’s magnificent beauty, surrounded with beautiful people, great events and magnificent memories.
Each day I work with effort to avoid ingratitude that derives from heavy work load, family requirements, anxiety, disappointments, expectations and the mind’s programming. Ingratitude blocks the precious gift of gratitude and creates the false impression that others have more than we do.
Feeling grateful is like a clock whose dials keep moving and never stops, a fountain of salvation, a complete satisfaction, an experience of being enough, having enough and doing enough.
Let your heart, feel gratefulness for each and every thing and remember that you are a noble soul, higher than yourself.
Express your gratitude in a simple gesture, a form of divine dance, lift your eyes upwards, open and raise both of your arms, fill your heart with appreciation and return your thankfulness to our great creator, our God.
Many Blessing,