Inner Peace to Outer Peace

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
… John 14:27
“Inner peace begins the moment, you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”
… Pema Chodron
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
… Gautama Buddha
“Ego says, Once Everything falls into Place, I’ll feel peace. Spirit says Find your Peace, and then Everything will fall Into place.”
… Anonymous
WE SPEND a good part of our life trying to figure out the workings of our inner and outer world. We teach ourselves how to deal with desires, wants and multiple emotions. The truth of the matter is that our inner and outer world is complex and the multiplicity of life creates much emotional traffic that impacts our inner peace and peaceful state of mind.
LIKE SO MANY of you, my own line of work involves multiple stressful and time bound events that create unexpected and emotional situations and while my mind is busy dealing with a lot of emotional traffic, my heart keep searching for balance and inner peace.
INTERESTING, people who do manifest peace internally are not different from us; they have chattering thoughts and troubled emotions like we all do. The difference is that they do not lend their energy to them, so those thoughts and feelings can simply rise and fall like the waves of the ocean without disturbing the deeper waters of peacefulness within.
“When we are experiencing a sense of tranquility leaving us feeling serene and at peace with the world, perhaps we can make best use of this feeling of peace by doing loving-kindness by sending our positive vibrational energy to others. As our breath becomes calm and still, we can picture someone in our life about whom we care. Imagine the peace we feel while basking them in a warm, golden light that is filled with soothing energy. With each breath, feel this light intensify to slowly envelop everyone we know, and to eventually cover all beings on earth. In practicing this loving-kindness, we might notice that not only our sense of inner calm but also our love for the world around us increases.”
– Christina Reeves
CHRISTINA speaks of the great spiritual leaders of our Earth such as Christ, Buddha, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King and the Dalai Lama . All of them were true instruments of Universal peace. During moments of turmoil not only kept their mind free from negative emotions such as fear, hatred and anxiety but worked to transform those emotions to peace and love.
WE LONG for world peace but first we start with an inner peaceful state of mind. Obtaining peace in the outside world requires inner peace, letting go and letting be of all negative emotions and thoughts. Outer peace necessitates the loving capacity of our heart and using emotional intelligence to bring unity to all opposites.
Blessings, Dimitri
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