Arguments… The Spiral of Misunderstandings

“Many arguments, especially with people we love, are birthed from simple misunderstandings that are blown out of proportion. If you really want to und [See the full post at: Arguments……

The Present Moment

“For those who have found the still point of entry, around which all –including themselves – revolves, everything is acceptable as it is, indeed, can be experienced as glorious and…

Лазерное удаление папиллом

…a dermatologist who will perform a visual examination and dermatoscopy. If necessary, additional tests such as biopsy and histological analysis may be prescribed to rule out malignancy of the growths….

The maids cleaning company ny

…a great deal regarding the benefits. We settle on the phone and come promptly to tidy. Business currently have all the required cleansing equipment, cleaning items of European top quality…

What Does it Really Mean to Win or Lose?

“Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.” … Denis Waitley What is it that makes one to win…

Optimism and Pessimism

…new information to challenge my rosy views, I lead myself to deficient decisions. Through many years of experience, I have found that both strategic optimism and defensive pessimism have self-fulfilling…

Book Reviews

…process of self-reflection and intentional growth, as well as engaging in conversations with friends and others to share these newly found discoveries. Building a community of awaken souls. -Elefteria Tzanetis…