Raspberry Pi for Beginners (Mac+PC)

Posted: June 24, 2021 Author: Husna105

Raspberry Pi for Beginners (Mac+PC)




  • Be able to use a PC or Mac
  • Download files from the Internet
  • Install applications on your PC or Mac




In this Raspberry Pi course for beginners, you’ll learn everything explained in detail. A step-by-step guide for a good and easy start with the Raspberry Pi. You will learn all about the interfaces, technical details, installation and configuration of the operating system, and smaller software and hardware-based projects. Everything is explained in a way, that is easy to understand for an absolute Raspberry Pi beginner.

The 25 video lessons in detail:

  • What is a Raspberry PI?
  • What exciting Raspberry Pi projects already exist?
  • Which Raspberry Pi models are available and which is the right one for me?
  • Where can I buy Raspberry Pi + accessories?
  • Technical data and interfaces of the Raspberry PI 3B+
  • What can I do with a Raspberry Pi after the first start?
  • Downloading the Raspbian operating system
  • Installation of the operating system on the microSD card (for PC)
  • Installation of the operating system on the microSD card (for Mac)
  • Installing the operating system with NOOBS
  • Configure the Raspberry Pi with a monitor
  • Configure the Raspberry Pi without a monitor (headless installation)
  • microSD card backup & recovery
  • microSD card deletion (Mac + PC)
  • Which software-based projects are available?
  • Software Project: PI-Hole as network-wide advertising blocker
  • Software Project: Homebridge (Example: Lamp Control)
  • Software Project: Webmin for system administration
  • Software project: RetroPi (game console) + Kodi (media center)
  • Which sensors can I connect to the Raspberry Pi?
  • Which easy hardware-based projects are possible?
  • Hardware Project: Camera module
  • Hardware Project: Soil moisture module
  • Hardware Project: Light sensitivity module
  • Hardware Project: Laser beam module
  • Programming with Scratch
  • Programming with Thonny (Python)


Who this course is for:



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