Reality, Beliefs, and Habitual Patterns (Part One)

I would like to share some of my thoughts towards the topic of Emotional Intelligence and this will be part one of the series…
IT AMAZES ME as to how we as a species have collected incredible amounts of data, and studied and learned so much about our Earth, planets, and the Universe. And although we have spent hundreds of years understanding all kinds of natural phenomenon, we have not been able to fully understand the workings of our own mind and eliminate our own negative habitual patterns in order to bring total happiness and joy into our lives.
WHAT WE BELIEVE creates our reality and just like Gandhi says, “Our beliefs become our thoughts, our thoughts become our words, our words become actions, our actions become habits, our habits become our values and our values become our destiny.”
OUR BELIEFS are buried deep under the surface and at times we need to become miners of the heart and mind and dig for diamonds.
THE WAY WE PERCEIVE and interpret the information of our outer world creates our reality and reality is different for each one of us. We must pause this constant and never-ending interpretation and examine our own lives, see what is working and what does not.
LISTENING TO OUR HEART allows the reality of things to touch us beneath the surface of our identity and we can then embark on a mission to find our authentic self.
Recommended Reading: How to obtain conscious awareness of reality, beliefs, feelings and thoughts. (Pages 8, 13, 15) of the book, The Mind is the Map.
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