Rough, Rigid Patterns that Prevent our Loveliness (Part Two)

CARING FOR OUR LIFE requires that we become sensitive to any parts that are rough and begin to polish patterns that are rigid. Kindness is our loving Spirit in action, and if we are to be kind to the outside world, we must first be kind to our self and transform our fixed and inflexible ways.
IF WE WANT TO BE HAPPY, we need to transcend our automatic habitual, mechanical emotional reactions. We need to understand why we automatically react in certain ways, with fear or anger, and how we can begin to free ourselves from undesirable emotional responses. Otherwise we are not free. Under the control of the automatic programming of our childhood, our past, we lack clarity, and awareness. We are “asleep” to our real personal nature, and the true nature of the reality surrounding us.
WHEN WE LOOK DEEPLY WITHIN OURSELVES, we become aware of our own loveliness and beauty, we can then allow our pristine mind to detect the dry and rugged patterns and nourish these with thoughts and images of purity and illumination.
WHAT IS it from my past that keeps influencing my present life?
WHICH PATTERNS do I want to change that are currently causing my pain or unhappiness?
Recommended Reading: UNDERSTANDING OUR PATTERNS (pg. 10 & 13) of our Book, The Mind is the Map
Love and Blessings,
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Hello Dimitrios,
To do this inner work, to smooth the jagged parts of myself I had to do some family of origin work. My anger was generational, past down to me from my family on both sides. The anger from the men who had gone to war both WW1 and WW2 and struggled to balance their lives and raise families with PTSD. The habitual habit in our family was to yell, hit, or punish in other ways. I was an angry youth. Getting angry was normal until I realized it was not healthy.