“Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy and vain. To be a warrior one needs to be light and fluid… Self-importance is man’s greatest enemy.” -Carlos Castaneda.
Once, there was a farmer who had an amazing Goose. Each day he would visit her nest and the Goose would lay a beautiful, golden egg.
The farmer would take the egg to market and soon afterwards he began to get rich. However, after a while he became greedy and felt that he was not getting rich fast enough.
One day, he came with an idea that he could get all the golden eggs at once by killing the Goose. After he finished the deed, he realized that not a single egg came out. He was devastated and realized that he had killed the golden goose that was giving him the golden eggs.
- How aware are you of the result of your actions?
- Do you evaluate the choices of your decisions by weighting their costs and benefits?
- Are you satisfied and grateful for what you have?
Over the course of life, we develop an image of our personality and we call it our self. This is just an image of reflection of our needs, wants and responses. The creation of this self is the outcome of our mind’s programming developed through a web of beliefs, thoughts and emotions stored in our memory bank.
This image causes us to identify with our inner voice, thoughts, memories and beliefs written on our walls. Our thought process that have become repetitious and ceaseless.
Our selfish thoughts, words and actions create withdrawals. This causes us to become ungrateful for the things and people around us, and take things for granted. We lack gratification and appreciation for what we have, and assume that we will continue to get what we want.
Hate, anger, greed, bitterness, jealousy, fear and selfishness become withdrawals, and we begin to hurt others without being aware. Thus, entangled with life, but not connected to life. We become absorbed by our prejudices and self-centeredness. Ultimately, we live our lives in a way that ends up being like the farmer who killed the golden goose.
There comes a time in our life when we become more ripened to the real meaning of life and less attached to our wants and needs. We begin to discredit the egotistic mind and the self-image we had created. When we sense our connection to emotional intelligence, then we begin to value the consequential thinking of our decisions.
We are now willing to look deeper than the surface of our lower or local self and engage in proactive behaviors. Before any action we consider the outcomes of our thoughts and feelings and pay attention to what can help us make the best decisions.
Consequential thinking guides us towards making more deposits into the love bank. In all events and situations, we act in the most effective way, considering our feelings and those of others. Our needs and short-term desires are sacrificed for long term outcomes.
Each experience is accepted as an opportunity for self-knowledge, growth and self-improvement.
Consequential thinking allows us to grow into consciousness and transform all our personas. We discover our true and authentic self and embrace our experiences by feeling them fully, bringing them into light and sharing this light with all others.
…Love and light
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