The mind chatter pretends to be useful, but it is not useful.
What you are saying about yourself in your own mind is a major cause of your suffering.
This conversation with self comes from the writing on your wall.
Does Your Ego Defend its Position of Being Right?
It fights life, rails against it, and is discontent and afraid. We form impressions of others and of the experiences we are having based on the false data coming from the writing on our wall.
Are You Ready to Free yourself of the Mind Stuff and Take Control?
The Writing on Your Wall is your most prominent advisor. You unknowing consult it all day long. There is no longer any doubt about the strong connection between the writing on our walls and the way life shows up for us.

You are NOT a Prisoner of Your Mind, Free Yourself Now!
Your Reality is Based on the Writing on Your Wall
Your Reality is Based on the Writing on Your Wall
To quiet the mind, you need to do an honest examination of these recurring conversations with the voice. Identify the patterns and the way they make you feel. You need to examine the way you react to your emotions. Reality test the way you think in terms of rigid belief systems. By becoming intimate with your inner voice, you can learn a lot about yourself.

Unleash Your True Potential:
- Learn to monitor the inner voice
- Experience yourself more directly
- Know intimately why you do what you do or think what you think
- Develop the courage and honesty required to look at what lies underneath what the voice is saying
- Discover how your thoughts continuously create your reality
- Learn to experience what’s written on your walls
- Create change and dismantle the critical voice
- Become a reliable long-term advisor to yourself
Now Ask Yourself
- How often do you hear the voice in your head?
- What is it saying to you? Is it positive or critical?
- What do you think about what it says?
- Are you in control of that voice or does it
take you away from the moment? - How might you transform if you were to turn
that inner critic into your biggest supporter?
Who Can Benefit from Taking this Workshop?
Our workshops include inspiration, motivation, and practical tips and processes for self-discovery and personal empowerment. It connects solid scientific fact with timeless principles of Thought and Consciousness, focusing in on what it truly takes to live a happy and fulfilled life.
What Will I Learn?

The Critical Voice…The Writing on Our Wall
- Stop paying attention to what your critical voice is saying. Things like, “I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough or I don’t have enough money” Learn to control your mind’s programming. Reality check the writing on your wall. Eliminate self-judging and prejudging situations and others.
What Do Our Students Say?
How Are Our Self Help Courses Different?
- We have Made Learning Fun & Interactive!
- We use the both aspects of Knowledge; Intellectual and Experiential because Wisdom comes to us through experiences
- Our Private Community Forum Allows You To Connect with Students and Coaches
- We Encourage Dialogue both Within the Community and Those Your Closest To
- Our Lessons Will Help You Develop New Ideas and Reinforce the Notion that there is No Right or Wrong in any Experience, thus eliminating the need to feel shame, blame, good or bad. Life simply is what it is!
- We offer many Opportunities to interact one on one with our coaches. You’re Not Left Alone to Learn – We are Here to Assist You on Your Journey of Self-Discovery