We all talk about stress. But how much do we know about the dangers of stress?
Recently, I became a member to the American Institute of Stress and started to investigate some recent research and studies that have been done. I was amazed to find out that according to AIS, 90% of all medical visits are stress-related, and that stress is at all-time high. According to the same studies, job pressure, co-worker tension, bosses, work overload, money, relationships, media and poor nutrients are the top causes of stress.
It is disheartening to find out, that 54 percent of all people, state that stress causes them to fight with the people around them and destroy years of healthy relationships, while another 48 percent says that stress has a negative impact to their personal and professional life.
A few years ago, I started to ask myself what is it that stops us from dealing effectively with stress and can this be done without spending millions in medical help. My focus took me to the discovery of my own energetic foot print and I learned to live a happier fuller life without stress.
I believe that the answers to the question of how can we deal effectively with stress, lies in three underlying factors:
Our WILLINGNESS to understand who we are and what it is that bothers us with pin point clarity.
Our POWER within and our desire to make changes that are beneficial for us.
Learn to live our life with EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE.
The wisdom Tribune, “know thyself … Holy is that space”, requires that we examine our current life, pay attention to our thoughts, reality check our limiting beliefs and develop the willingness to overcome the fears and obstacles that make self-control and self-management a new reality.
Our Power arises from meaning; it has to do with motive and principle and it is always associated with that which supports us and the significance of life that we would like to live.
Emotional Intelligence is understanding our thoughts, feelings and creating the best choices for our life. We begin with the foundation with a process that is known as self-discovery, looking into our patterns of behavior, understanding and navigating our emotions and creating new choices that will support our values and purpose in living.
(Recommended reading: Chapter five our book, The Mind Is the Map, Emotional Intelligence.)
Our Life Force Energy enters our body through our breath and vitalizes our organs and tissues. Everything is energy, even our thoughts and they give rise to our emotions. High frequency emotions, such as courage, willingness, passion and joy, are bright, while lower frequency emotions such as stress, insecurity, uneasiness are are dimmer and sometimes dark. Using our Willingness, Power and Emotional Intelligence we can increase our Life Force Energy assisting us to transform Stress.
Riding our Stress to Freedom requires that we understand the interplay between our mind and our heart and ask the following quality question, “Do I live life by being stressful because of my job, relationships or other people’s feelings or do I live my life with ultimate faith, passion and love?”
We can experience energy like a light dwelling from the seat of our heart and use it to deal with life’s demands; eliminate fatigue, headaches, upset stomach and muscle tension. We can become healthier, happier and joyful.
Energy and blessings,
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