Value and Validation

“Your most precious, valued possessions and your greatest powers are invisible and intangible. No one can take them. You, and you alone, can give them.”…. W. Clement Stone
DS: I have been pondering the concept of value and validation. For example, why do we allow others to tell us who we are or live in accordance to their standards. I truly believe that we don’t need anyone to tell us, who we are. There is no need to base our value on how much we make, how big our home is compared to others or how important we are.
Our true value is based solely how we live our life with authenticity and how we embrace our inner self. Awareness, consciousness and emotional intelligence can empower us to live our values independent of what others think.
CR: Yes Dimitri, authenticity is not about revealing something; it’s about building something; and that something is “you.” You were effectively born as a blank page and one of your greatest gifts is the capacity to take that page and choose what to write on it.
Only you can choose what kind of person you want to be, based on your values, aspirations and the principles that you want to live by.
DS: Christina, a few years ago, I made the mistake of evaluating myself based on performance and what others thought about me. I was trying to impress this person and that person, doing things to get people to like me. All this was happening at the cost of devaluing myself. For a period of time, validation was all good and while I was winning, I had the support of others but when I ran into some difficulties, a number of people distanced themselves from me and I started to feel hurt and offended by their behavior, experiencing the pain of rejection and separation.
That made me think about how I defined myself and my values.
How did I define my self-worth? What did it consist of? Was I equating my self-worth to my net worth?
I realized that every second I spent doubting my self-worth, every moment I was seeking validation, I was depleting my energy. I was moving away from my destiny. It was time to look internally, return to authenticity and the masterpiece that God created, when I received my first breath of life.
CR: Indeed Dimitri, this happens to many of us. There is no real security other than inner security. In order to achieve this, you need to cultivate and reaffirm your sense of self-worth. There is absolutely no need to put on a disguise or change for other people’s satisfaction. And certainly there is no need to give permission to anyone to rule your kingdom.
ALL and everything are within your inner beauty since everything that the UNIVERSE is, is also in you. When you know your self-worth and SEE it, you can fight for all that is deserved, no matter how difficult or challenging it may seem. Just do it!
Here are Twelve Golden Keys to Enhance Your Innate Value:
1. You are a child of God, a masterpiece. You are gifted, talented and brilliant. Your value comes straight from God and that means you always shine like the sun.
2. Within you there is a place completely untouched by anything that is love. That is your highest value. Seek the love within, love all the unloved parts devaluated over the years.
3. Your choices and actions need to align with what you truly believe and know to be true.
4. Reality is different for all of us and our decisions are based on the writing of our walls. We can seldom control how others will see us, but we can choose how to feel, react and respond towards those events and situations. Your worthiness does not depend on something or anyone. You have been born with it.
5. As a gift from your creator you have an intuitive knowingness, don’t give it away to any authority or anyone else.
6. It is your own consciousness and awareness that allows you to dance and sing to life’s tunes. It does not matter what others say or do. You don’t need people to tell you who you are.
7. Free yourself from the need of self-importance or validation, acceptance, recognition and acknowledgment by others.
8. Your value depends on your ability to determine what is in your power, that is in your doing, thoughts and feelings. What is not in your power are outside sources such as property, reputation, validation. The need for approval will negatively impact your performance, self-worth and create doubt and fear in your life.
9. Value is defined in terms of “aliveness”. Take action in areas that mean something to you. Make a commitment each day to live life lightly and with passion. You have the power to transform your life from the inside-out.
10. The more you value life and others, the stronger your self-value becomes. If you devalue life and others you lower your self-value.
11. One of the highest values is a simple one and that is the feeling of showing up for your own life. When you show up for life, you are actively participating in being a happy person. You are achieving your goals, and generally living the value that your soul really wants.
12. Wholeheartedly give your attention to yourself, on all levels of your being. Live in continuous moments of awakening, guided by the virtues of devotion, balance, selflessness, equanimity and love.
…Blessings of love, Christina and Dimitri
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