What Does it Really Mean to Win or Lose?

“Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.” … Denis Waitley
What is it that makes one to win and another to lose accepting defeat or failure? There are a lot of self-help books and self-help workshops that speak to us about self-esteem, self-confidence and personal growth. These are certainly useful tools, however without passion for life they may not be very helpful. Passion is the flame of our life and our daily fuel of energy. Passion is what allows us to live life to its limits, realizing that there are always plenty of opportunities for more creations. Winners have passion, courage and enormous natural capabilities that allow them to shift from the mind’s programming to the hearts’ cosmic capability and constantly keep shifting their energy to experience their goals more intimately and through awareness.
How do we evaluate success or failure?
There is a difference between a Winner and a Loser or someone who is successful or unsuccessful and how they use their mind maps to achieve their goals. Our mind uses the thoughts of past experiences and relates them to emotions, such as faith, determination, fear, courage and disappointment. It is this auto- pilot process that affects our choices causing us to repeat the same patterns over and over again.
What is truly fascinating is that our thoughts and beliefs are stored in our mind like a tape machine with tracks; the tracks on the subconscious mind is what we call neuropathways. The subconscious mind and the unconscious mind are largely invisible to us. What is interesting to note is that our own subconscious and unconscious behaviors tend to cruise us on autopilot. What we can do is stop our automatic reaction to life and make a different choice.
Are You A Positive or a Negative Thinker?
A positive thinker is a winner who watches his thoughts and beliefs and learns how to change their internal thinking by reclaiming self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect, regardless of past actions. This is a level of self esteem from which to begin not end. It is a known fact that if we don’t believe in ourselves, no one else will either.
Negative thinkers become preoccupied with limited beliefs and thoughts of past failures. It is so true that automatic and programmed thoughts sabotage progress. Those feeling like losers live a very small and limited part of who they really are. They become discouraged from previous unsuccessful attempts and may say things like, “What happened to my past decisions? stress and thoughts of impossibility block clear thinking.
Reflect on these 7 differences between Winners and Losers:
1. Winners understand that past failures serve as the key to success and work harder to improve, rather than give up. Albert Einstein said that, “Failure is success in progress.” He overcame every learning disability to get the Nobel Prize.
2. Winners use consequential thinking and in order to make good decisions they visualize and imagine all the possible choices and anticipate all the outcomes. This means thinking ahead. Losers feel like victims and sorry or powerless for their previous actions and experiences. A winner will acknowledge previous setbacks and accept things as they are. He learns to take responsibility for all past actions.
3. Being a winner means that you are willing to take calculated risks by weighting the costs and benefits of your choices. Failure does not exist in your vocabulary; it is only a reference for success and improvement. Losers compare themselves to others and look for safe places or security shelters in order to avoid failure. They see difficulty in every opportunity.
4. Winners breakdown each challenge and see it from different perspectives. By solving a number of problems, they are able to overcome challenges and obstacles that will allow them to find the pathway to success.
5. Winners learn from other people’s experiences. Successful people know how to use this tool effectively. Steve Jobs had Bill Campbell as a mentor; Mark Zuckerberg had Steve Jobs; Bill Gates had Warren Buffett. Winners know how to use known models for their success.
6. A winner knows that a river cuts through a rock not because of its power but its persistence and uses their will to overcome challenges. Will is a force within us, that causes our motion, movement, allowing us to become present to the unfolding of each experience.
7. Losers keep telling themselves that they can’t meet their goal thus lowering their will power and limiting themselves towards their decisions. Our will power is one of the most powerful forces on Earth and becomes the balancing factor between thoughts and emotions, needs and wants.
We can all be winners! We can all be an inspiration to ourselves and others. Look on the positive side, don’t dwell on what has gone wrong. You can feel like a winner every day. Wake up every morning with a positive attitude and focus on building a winner’s circle by surrounding yourself with mentors and others who empower you. Find the gift and treasure in the feeling of being a winner and nurture it!
With best wishes for a happy and successful life… Dimitri
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