What is BEAUTY?

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.”
-Sophia Loren
“Remember that there are two kinds of beauty: one of the souls and the other of the body. That of the soul displays its radiance in intelligence, in chastity, in good conduct, in generosity, and in good breeding.”
― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Some people say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, an experience of something held inside of us as beautiful. Others say that beauty is something or someone that appeals to the eyes or the heart. Yet there are others, like Christina and I, that believe that something is beautiful because of its relationship with the environment. The way it forms or unfolds itself among its surrounding elements just like a radiant rose or a sunset.
CR: So, Dimitri, is beauty something understood from mere appearances; or a product of our mind. Or is it a creation of our senses and aesthetic principles? Perhaps is it part of a divine attribute as an expression of our instinctual nature.
DS: Christina, I believe that beauty is something that has a relation amongst its parts. Just like the sunset and its relationship to light, colors and wavelengths and the way it decorates the horizon.
CR: I agree Dimitrios, the realms of beauty require that we no longer attribute beauty to superficial symbols or images stored in our mind. Instead we see beauty in the rise and creation of lively images, radiance, mobility, a projection of how we feel inside.
Beauty is what dwells from the seat of our heart and moves us beyond the ordinary course of things, right into a reverie of our current reality.
DS: Experiencing beauty requires awareness to conceptualize form and use judgement. The concept of beauty is multidimensional, and its space can be defined as simple or infinite. The infinite space of beauty requires that we use of the ardor of our heart and detachment from fixed and predetermined standards.
CR: Indeed, just as the rose is symbol of beauty. It shows up for life standing tall on a sturdy foundation protecting itself as it unfolds from its center. The soft velvety petals connect together to create ripples of beauty. The essence of its fragrance adds even more beauty and joy for all.
Beauty requires contemplation with the heart and it’s measured by the amount of love and appreciation we give to it.
DS: Christina, when I contemplate in the beauty of something or someone; my heart searches for depth and pleasure of quality in the invisible and beyond the aesthetic beauty of the surface.
My heart’s desire is the beauty that I see without seeing and beauty that I know without knowing. This is the kind of beauty that appeals to my free and appreciative nature and not as a perception or expression of an ideal.
Here are five simple steps to sense beauty without the use of past symbols and images.
1. Look at someone or something using your heart not your mind. Beauty’s depth is what opens your heart to the whole world of divinity and agape.
2. Everything and everyone have its own beauty. Pay attention to the light, rhythm and resonance.
3. Beauty without seeing and knowing, is the kind of beauty that appeals to your free and appreciative nature and not in a perception or expression of an ideal.
4. Beauty is what William Blake calls our ability to see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower.
5. Beauty is how you feel inside, it reflects in your eyes, your smile and in your kindness. Give yourself and others the gift of the beauty that lies within you.
Being beautiful is to see the depth of beauty and the aura of light of others and then radiate pleasure, fascination and enthusiasm unto them.
See beauty with your heart, allow your nature and the environment to create a perfect alliance of being fully human and fully divine, the omnipotence and godlike idea of God.
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