7 Spiritual Thoughts to Brighten Your Day

1. I am a blessed child of God.
I’m an immortal, invulnerable spirit. A soul in the process of evolution. I am a cell in the universal body of the universal spirit and I am continually in contact with that universal power at some level. I am protected and sustained by that power.
2. I am happy, peaceful, loving and content.
My value as a human being does not depend on how much I accomplish or how intelligent I am, or how attractive I appear, but on how sincere my intentions and efforts are and how much they are in agreement with my inner values.
3. I am calm, quiet, assured and confident.
Everything that happens to me is for the benefit of my spiritual evolution. Every moment s an opportunity to grow spiritually, if I take it as such. Every perceived difficulty is an opportunity for me to develop inner strength and inner faith.
4. I spread light and love to those around me.
Love is my basic nature. Love is the unifying force of the universe, the intelligence which holds the universe together and sustains it. Love is the force which will someday unite mankind into one harmonious body where everyone and everything will live and function for the sake of the universal body. I love. I am loved. I am LOVE.
5. I deserve health and happiness.
I am divine spirit and as such I am perfect in spirit and deserve health and happiness. I do not blame or depend on anyone outside of myself for my reality. I am responsible for my illness and health and my happiness or unhappiness. Only I, can make myself happy, healthy, secure and satisfied.
6. I love all beings without judgment or prejudice.
If I were to ask you to look at me tell me what you see, you might answer with a list of positive attributes or things you don’t like about me. If I were to look at you and tell you what I see, my response would be I see ME. There is no you and me, there is no them and us. There is only ONE unity consciousness. Make the shift from ME to WE.
7. I am in harmony with the Universe.
The more you let go and go with the cosmic flow, the more life shows up in very supporting ways. It comes to you not through your seeking but through your serving and giving. You will begin to feel this energy like an instrument of a higher power which is working through you in order to fulfill your life’s purpose. You will begin to feel it as an ever-present presence which is always supplying everything you need to sustain you and assist you to fulfill your purpose in creating a more harmonious world.
…. Light and Love, Christina
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