The Mind is the Map … Book Review

Posted: January 15, 2019 Author: Cathy

The term “awareness” and “know thyself,” has been the subject of self-help books instructing the reader to look within to find the answers to their stressful or unhappy life. We are instructed to find the patterns of thinking that does not produce the best results. Sounds easy to do, identify the errors in thinking change them, and then we will live a happier more fulfilling life. It has always been difficult to change the way I viewed my experiences and reacted to life, but reading and doing the exercises in this book really did make it easier for me.

Until I read this book, “The Mind Is the Map,” I was attempting to change myself using only my thoughts. I did not question where my beliefs originated, how I felt about these beliefs, or where the emotions that became attached to these beliefs originated! My facts and thoughts were not enough to slow the chatter in my mind. I did not understand why I felt like I was riding a stationary bike. Without going deep within, sensing the emotions in my body and where the feelings originated I was not able to “think” myself out of my thought patterns.

As I worked my way through the exercises in this book, I felt lovingly guided every step of the journey. I became increasingly aware of the “Writing on My Wall,” and how it was put there to begin with. I was introduced to a host of new tools to assist me, and I learned to laugh at my follies, manage my very strong feelings, as I was guided to live from my heart. The Mind is the Map was indeed a treasure map for me and the journey was one of curiosity, wonder, playfulness and fun. Enjoy!

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2 thoughts on “The Mind is the Map … Book Review”

  1. Thank you, Christina, I have enjoyed the process of integrating your methodology into my life and leading with my heart. I was more in my mind and less fully in my emotions. My life is now deeper and more fulfilling as my relationship with others blossoms.

  2. Hi Catherine,

    Thanks for connecting here on our forum! It was such a pleasure to work with you, you integrated these processes so beautifully. May blessing to you as you continue on the journey of life….xo

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