A Call for Changing the Way we View and Value Our World

CR: We have reached a choice point. In order to create something new, we have to let go of some things that do not work. Change or even death of something no longer useful can be painful. The capitalist system we currently have is not working.
It has created mass poverty, unprecedented wealth in the hands of a few creating inequality and systematic corruption. Some of our collective choices are damaging our Eco system. This has put our planet in peril, perhaps even putting humanities existence at risk.
DS: We as a collective humanity have to make a choice that is not fostered by greed but one that is life sustaining on many levels. The gap between the rich and the poor is widening. Clinging to the current capitalist system is creating more inequity, poverty, corruption, and more man-made catastrophes upon Earth.
The harsh truth is that there is nothing we can do about the past mistakes. We cannot look to better days ahead if we remain in a pattern of denial that refuses to acknowledge that things have fundamentally changed.
CR: Yes, my friend, it is essential for us all to wake up and look around. Everything has changed. And it is changing faster, with an intensity unlike, ecological capacity.
No one has seen the collapse of ocean fisheries, or watched global markets rise and fall with spectacular consequences, as we are seeing today. We are now in the crucible of change. Natural disasters strike urban centers that grew exponentially in the last hundred years.
Our feet are stomped down on the accelerator as we race into the future whose past will not be an adequate guide. Can we do it?
DS: I believe we can. Einstein said, “The same mind that created the problem, will never be the same mind that is able to solve it.” The same model of leadership simply does not offer us the great leadership that we need today.
Perhaps we need to take a serious look at what are the attributes of a good leader in today’s Global economy and environment. We have serious issues affecting our future and that of our planet. We need leadership that is skilled to deal with these issues; and more importantly prepared to make changes that will solve this crisis.
Here are some essential attributes of leadership required for today’s world:
Ethics & Integrity – Creativity & Innovation – Emotional Intelligence- Productivity – Trusts & Acts on Intuition – Masterfully Navigates Uncertainty – Thinks Outside the Box – Stays Balanced Under Stressful Situations – Focus and Presence – Communication – Collaboration & Cooperation – Adaptability & Flexibility – Serving & Supporting – Authenticity – Decisive Action from Clarity – Initiative – Open minded – Planning & Coordination – Empowerment & Self Sufficiency
CR: Imagination always has another card to play in creation and continues to offer up a vast array of possibilities. Some even that have been ignored in favor of large industries and corporations. If we consider what change has to offer us, we might even discover that the future we can create is better than the past.
We can build a world that doesn’t hoard money in the hands of a few. A world without poverty, hunger or homelessness, a world that doesn’t see nature as a body to be raped and spoiled.
DS: Indeed, imagine a world that treats ALL human beings as worthy of dignity regardless of our boarders and our differences. If we can imagine it, then such a world is possible. Yet it is not inevitable.
The work of building a new world cannot properly begin until we let go of a dying past that no longer works. Only then can we create something new by our collective choice and intention.
…..love and light Christina and Dimitrios
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