A Conversation about Reality and Imagination

“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.”
… Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.” … John Maynard Keynes
Dimitrios Spanos: Christina, what is imagination?
Christina Reeves: Imagination is the quality that outdoes reality; any kind of reality. Imagination is the infinite road. Imagination isn’t a system. It might invent systems, but it is non-material. It’s a capacity. It feels no compulsion to imitate reality. It makes realities. Its scope is limited only by a person’s imagining of how far imagination can go.
DS: Indeed Christina, imagination is a capacity that allows us to go as far as we can. Reality is different for each one of us, but how we perceive reality is how we create reality. Reality is merely an outward expression of what we have chosen to accept and focus on in the world. But when we turn our thoughts to that which we want to create in our lives, the possibilities are endless.
CR: Consciousness wants to create new consciousness, and it can. Imagination is how it does it. If there were some ultimate state of consciousness, imagination would always be able to play another card and take it further. In any area of life, and especially when it comes to mind, perception, power, empathy, and so on, there is always a status quo. It’s the place where a person says; Well, that’s enough. I’ll settle for what I have. I’ll stop here.” Sooner or later, this leads to boredom, frustration, problems and conflict. It leads to decline. Imagination, which knows no bounds, it is the source for the most adventurous explorations.
DS: We have the power to create. Humans have always investigated the seas, skies and heavens and imagined how to travel and explore the whole world. Imagination gives us the power to move away from reality and visualize what may be, not what it is. We can imagine the life that we want and make it our reality. We have the power to create so much more and it is up to us to use our imagination to change our lives and our world for the better.
CR: Imagination is a path. Walking on the path long enough, you find the answers to all the questions you’ve ever asked. You all find the power that people dream of. When we re-learn to live through and by imagination, we enter and invent new space and time. But space and time aren’t superior forces. They come into being when we turn on the tap of imagination. With imagination, one can solve a problem. More importantly, one can skip ahead of the problem and render it null and void.
DS: Yes we re-learn to live. We are all born with a playful magical heart full of imagination. As we get older, the world at large tries to change us into someone more acceptable by writing on our walls. But what if what was written, were not truths at all and they are just guidelines we have adopted for getting through life and that have stops us from using our imagination. Our purpose in life is to examine our limiting beliefs and envision a glorious life full of creativity. Just like Gandhi says, “Our beliefs become our thoughts, our thoughts become our words, our words become actions, our actions become habits, our habits become our values and our values become our destiny.” Become an inspiration to the world.
Dear friends, Christina and myself know very well that no matter who you are and what you do in life, there is always more space to develop your imagination. Imagination is one of the biggest investments in life and the one subject that will bring us in contact with our inner self. When we engage our imaginative consciousness, we become full participants to whatever we are involved. Imagination is our creative power of achieving happiness and success in any area of our life. Imagination for a united word is what prompted John Lennon to write the song “imagine” a song that has affected millions of people and imagination is what eliminates separation and unite us, through the loving capacity of our heart. May your Hearts be filled with Love, Health, Happiness, and Joy. May you be surrounded by Peace and Harmony and may your Spirits be guided toward the Light of Wisdom and Imagination.
Many blessings and much love…. Christina Reeves and Dimitri Spanos
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