Acceptance and Effort

Some of us are seeking continuously and dynamically to improve the quality of life for our self and others, while at the same time, we need to remember to accept at every stage the results of those efforts. We need a delicate balance of making efforts to improve ourselves and our surroundings and at the same time, accepting ourselves and the results of our efforts at every stage of that process.
Learning to accept and love ourselves and others despite our faults, weaknesses, habits and mistakes is a powerful means for healing ourselves and others. We need to transform any feelings of isolation and loneliness, mistrust, misunderstandings, competition, antagonism and the whole series of health destroying emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, bitterness, resentment etc. These negative emotions build up a personality complex of their own, and grow out of the control destroying our health and relationships. By developing more deeply rooted feelings of security and self-worth, we enable ourselves to understand, forgive and love others and ourselves in more and more situations.
We are all souls in a process of evolution. We are all controlled by our ignorance and fear, which cause us to function in less than perfect ways. Thus, it is logical to accept and love ourselves and others even though we are not perfect and make mistakes.
Some of us are seeking to improve our selves or our health, relationships, economic situations, professional position, life in general, or spiritual awareness and we might be seeking to improve the same for specific others or society as a whole. Sometimes when we are absorbed in such efforts we naturally become attached to succeeding and when we do not or until we do, we feel a tension and often reject ourselves and feel inferior because we have not yet succeeded.
Others of us are complacent and uninterested in improving ourselves, our lives or society. We have stopped growing. We prefer to remain in our old familiar situations – even if they are unpleasant and painful – rather than to change and move on into the unknown – even when that holds the promise of greater happiness, peace and love.
Our destiny is to change, evolve, grow and improve ourselves and the world around us until we become perfectly harmonious, beautiful and powerful beings. The force of evolution will never allow us to rest. We can ignore it for periods of time, but eventually life events and situations will force us to awaken and emerge from our slumber.
Being attached to any result inner or outer experience, for ourselves or others is a major source of anxiety, tension and conflict with ourselves and others. This attachment also often acts as an obstacle to success. We need to learn to accept ourselves at each stage of this effort exactly as we are and also to accept our life situation as it is until we are able to change it.
One major life lesson is to free ourselves from the beliefs that cause us to be dissatisfied with ourselves and what we have. When we are seeking to improve ourselves because we believe that we will then be more worthy and more accepted and respected by others. Such a motive is based on the illusion that our self-worth depends on how others perceive us or on some other social programming concerning self-worth, security, freedom and happiness etc.
Thus there will be times, when we will need first to feel worthy and secure within ourselves and our lives as we are and then proceed to make such changes. So the question is how can we combine these two aspects of evolution – effort and acceptance?
Sometimes we fail to understand that many people who we perceive as lazy, irresponsible or negative and even immoral have in fact two of their “emotional legs” broken. They may have seriously impaired emotional legs of “inner security” and feelings of “self-worth”.
Their insecurity and feelings of self-doubt cause them to behave in negative ways. We, too, might be such persons who have had their inner strength handicapped by unpleasant childhood experiences.  Thus we would do well to understand and love ourselves and others even when we are not able to be who we would like to be.
Accepting ourselves does not mean that we do not recognize and admit our mistakes and weakness and seek to improve ourselves and free ourselves from those obstacles so that we can manifest our inner potential on all levels. And accepting others does not mean that we do not assertively explain to them the types of behavior that we need from them. We simply hold a sacred space for others when using our voice to express what we feel are our needs, and we can do so without sacrificing tenderness.
Balance is the key that unlocks the door of peaceable coexistence and if it is to be an affirmative force in our lives, it must be tempered with wisdom and committed to the path of peace. .
…… Love and Light Christina