Posted: March 12, 2019 Author: Christina Reeves

Effective Communications… What is Active Listening?

Effective Communications … What is Active Listening?

Our communication can have many different effects such as stress levels, relationships with others, level of satisfaction with our life, productivity and ability to meet our goals and solve problems. There are two components to effectively communicate verbally. One is to become mindfully present with what you are saying and this also include how you say it; your tone, speech, pitch and volume any your non-verbal communication such as gestures, and body language.  The method in which we share our message is as important as the message itself. The second component is to become an Active Listener. When actively listening to others we use the senses of the body, the feelings of the heart, the logic of the mind and the stillness of the soul.  The practice of active listening, will make your interactions and communications with others more successful.


Posted: February 26, 2019 Author: Christina Reeves

Healing the Wounds of the Heart

healing our wounds of the heart

What seems to be currently setting the bar in our human evolution is our relationships with others. The most prevalent and basic human wound, one we might call “the relationship wound,” is the feeling of not feeling loved or lovable as we are. It is also about not feeling good enough or worthy enough. This is a WOUND of the HEART.


Posted: February 23, 2019 Author: Dimitrios Spanos


Holding Space for Loved Ones

DS: Christina, while many of our patterns regarding our relationships with others have a positive contribution and ascend us to higher levels of consciousness, there are some others that make us suffer and deplete our energy. I am referring to certain negative emotions and when we have a hard time accepting responsibility for our negative decisions triggered by an external stimulus. For instance, in some cases, when I get angry I may try to forcefully change others, so they can fit my expectations.

CR: Dimitri, to truly support people in their own growth, transformation, grief, etc., we can’t do it by taking their power away (ie. trying to fix their problems), shaming them (ie. implying that they should know more than they do) or overwhelming them (i.e.. giving them more information than they’re ready for).

We must be prepared to step to the side so that they can make their own choices, offer them unconditional love and support, give gentle guidance when it’s needed, and make them feel safe even when they make mistakes.


Posted: February 12, 2019 Author: Christina Reeves

Are you on a Quest for Happiness?

Quest for Happiness

This is for most people one of the biggest goals in life: to find happiness.  Sounds simple in theory, but it’s something so many struggle to do throughout life.  Many search for happiness from outside:  material things, vices, anything to temporarily fill the void they feel.  What the truly enlightened among us know, is that the only way to fill the void within, is to focus on developing what’s inside.

People often reject difficult feelings—and even blame themselves for feeling something “less” than bliss. Here is just one example: “I SHOULD be blissfully happy, but I’m not. Any statement that begins with should” originates with the Writing on Our Walls. That mismatched thought, between expectation and reality, is one of the main causes of unhappiness. In fact, sometimes we increase our unhappiness by rejecting our own real, useful feelings of worry and discontent, attempting to replace “real” with “pleasant.”


Posted: February 11, 2019 Author: Dimitrios Spanos



“To the gods we attributed a dazzling existence 

Consubstantial with the sea the clouds trees and light 

In them the waves’ glinting the foam’s long white frieze 

The woods’ secret and soft green the wheat’s tall gold 

The river’s meandering the mountain’s solemn fire 

And the great dome of resonant weightless free air 

Emerged as self-aware consciousness 

With no loss of the first day’s marriage-and-feast oneness 

Anxious to have this experience for ourselves 

We humans repeated the ritual gestures that re-establish 

The initial whole presence of things – 

This made us attentive to all forms known by the light of day 

As well as to the darkness which lives within us And in which the ineffable shimmer travels 

The Greeks”

–  Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen an award-winning Portuguese poet and writer.

“Lisbon’s many nooks and crannies are home to numerous attractions that continue to surprise and seduce visitors. The city’s charm lies in its inspiring architecture, enchanting squares and Moorish legacy.” … DK Eyewitness travel.


Posted: February 4, 2019 Author: Dimitrios Spanos


Forgiveness The Healing Balm of Life

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on a heel that has crushed it.”   -Mark Twain


Life is beautiful, graceful, marvelous but at times difficult and hurtful. There are moments when we go through harsh and painful situations. We feel wrong things are done to us, something negative said or a hurtful event against us and start to have feelings of hurtfulness and resentment.


Posted: January 30, 2019 Author: Dimitrios Spanos



Only a person who has passed through the gates of Humility can ascend to the heights of Spirit.  -Rudolf Steiner

Humility is a refusal of excessiveness. Humility allows me to see myself honestly and objectively without any comparison to others. While also being able to cultivate a deep and satisfactory feeling within.  I am telling the world that I am not better and greater than any other.

Humility is what frees us from the need of self-importance and denotes the strength of our character. Humility is expressed as modesty and harmony towards life. An understanding that there is something higher than us making us powerful beyond any measure.


Posted: January 27, 2019 Author: Dimitrios Spanos

Learning to Love Yourself

loving oneself

Love yourself —accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” ~Leo F. Buscaglia

How much do you love who you are? How much beauty do you see within you?

WE ARE ALL beautiful children, shining our freedom, walking into life’s journey. We love ourselves, navigating through life, exploring and discovering each day.

BELIEVING that we love ourselves and deserve love is a vital component of our closer relationship with ourselves as it enables us to participate in intimate exchanges without experiencing the fear of vulnerability.


Posted: January 8, 2019 Author: Christina Reeves


We are nonstop creators; we give everything a story and meaning. We create something out of nothing; we cannot bear to live with the unknown. But take a second to imagine giving nothing a story or a label. Take a moment to quiet the mind and look at everything like it’s the first time, with pure eyes, you will see it for what it is, which is simply as it is.

In this expansive quiet place, you only have awareness of the presence of life. By letting it be … Just “be?” No, we can’t do that, we like to make things interesting. So, we make up more beliefs, create more and more and we expand our thoughts … But to where?


Posted: December 27, 2018 Author: Dimitrios Spanos

Family and Love

love and family

Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured, even when they’re driving you crazy. As much as they make you mad, interrupt you, annoy you, try to control you, these are the people who know you the best and who love you.
-Jenna Morasca

I HAVE BEEN pondering on a current experience of spending Christmas with family. The reflection over the years, joy, laughter, kindness, attitude, the emotions and the opportunity to understand each other and practice of loving each other unconditionally. Holidays and other events provide this opportunity, especially when everyone is together, and you can see them together exchanging their views.
