Are you on a Quest for Happiness?

This is for most people one of the biggest goals in life: to find happiness. Sounds simple in theory, but it’s something so many struggle to do throughout life. Many search for happiness from outside: material things, vices, anything to temporarily fill the void they feel. What the truly enlightened among us know, is that the only way to fill the void within, is to focus on developing what’s inside.
People often reject difficult feelings—and even blame themselves for feeling something “less” than bliss. Here is just one example: “I SHOULD be blissfully happy, but I’m not. Any statement that begins with should” originates with the Writing on Our Walls. That mismatched thought, between expectation and reality, is one of the main causes of unhappiness. In fact, sometimes we increase our unhappiness by rejecting our own real, useful feelings of worry and discontent, attempting to replace “real” with “pleasant.”
How Your Identity Creates Your Reality … I’m NOT GOOD ENOUGH

“You will never perform consistently in a manner which is inconsistent with how you see yourself.”
….Zig Ziglar
How do you see yourself and how is that image affecting your life?
What is showing up in your life?
Is it not working for you or not what you intended for your life?
How to Control Anger – 5 Steps to Master Your Emotions

Controlling anger is not an easy thing to do. For most people it takes years of counseling, therapy and meditation to master their emotions, and even then there are some that never quite overcome it. For those that do, they must first accept the fact that the forces that drive anger do not exist externally, but they come from within. Once they come to terms with this reality, it’s simply a matter of identifying which emotion and belief that is at the root, and reprogramming the mind to be able to effectively control these feelings of fear and anger. Here are 5 steps to do just that.

“There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
I feel this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong.
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What’s right for you–just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.”
― Shel Silverstein
Many people feel like they are failing in life or that life is failing them. This is painful and sometimes even feels unbearable. This is not who you are! This is only your perception of yourself.
The Writings on Our Walls

We all have writing on our walls, sometimes we know what is written there, more often it is hidden. It is within our subconscious mind and in fact, if we reality check it, often we will find it is not something we even believe. So how did it get there? Who wrote on my wall?
The truth is they are just guidelines and strategies we have adopted for getting through life, some of them are even childhood survival skills – And many of them are fictions. They are hand me down beliefs that were written on our walls by well-meaning others and we have been dutifully obeying them ever since. To understand what is written on our walls and transform our thoughts, requires a process known as self-discovery.
Elephants In Captivity

Elephants born in captivity are restrained by a chain that attaches one leg to a metal spike driven into the ground. This prevents them from roaming. They become accustomed to the fact that, as long as the chain and spike are next to them, they are unable to move. As they grow older, their minds become programmed. When they see the spike and chain, they “believe” and accept that they will not be able to move. They become so conditioned that when their owners place a small rope and wooden peg next to them, they make no efforts to step away from it, because they “believe” they are unable to. In truth, their actual power as adults is so great that they could easily pull up a chain and spike of any size. Their programming or “belief,” however, allows this tiny rope and wooden peg to limit their movement.
The Most Direct Path to Fulfillment

Through the consciousness of selflessness we realize, perhaps for the first time as a species, that it is our responsibility to proactively participate in this realignment. Many of us no longer accept our society and it’s ills as a given; and many are becoming proactive, social co-creators and the social potential movement is awakening.
As we gain deeper alignment with the patterns of creation, we sadly see a world that is out of alignment. We see systems are breaking down, causing misery, alienation and violence all around us. This seeming breakdown might be a natural process from the point of view that we are undergoing a birth process…The birth of Venus. Just as the systems of biological organisms, designed for the old phase of development, they seem to be inadequate for this new phase and must re- pattern themselves.
The Writing On Our Wall

WHAT WE BELIEVE creates our reality and just like Gandhi says, “Our beliefs become our thoughts, our thoughts become our words, our words become actions, our actions become habits, our habits become our values and our values become our destiny.” Our unconscious level is like an unfathomable ocean carrying the memories of our entire life and uses our inner voice as a surfing board to reach the shore of the conscious mind.
WE CAN SELDOM CONTROL what will happen in life, or how others will behave, or even the results of our efforts. But we can choose how to feel, react and respond towards those events and situations. This is actually the basis of our free will.
EVERY EVENT, EVERY OUTCOME is an expression of love from the Universe -giving us the opportunity to realize the truth or not .
We all have a free will.
Christina Reeves and Dimitrios Spanos
-Authors of the book
“The Mind Is The Map”
Understanding Our Patterns

All too often man ignores the wisest command ever given
by a sage, the famous “Know Thyself” inscribed in the temple of Delphi.
HOW OFTEN do I react to people and situations based on old habits (perceiving, thinking, feeling, behaving)?
SO MUCH of living a full and happy life is about know-
ing ourselves. And both the forming and the breaking of
patterns is a lifelong learning practice. The path to higher
levels of understanding who we are requires us to discern the patterns that are shaping our lives. Discovering which ones will sustain us, and which ones no longer benefit us, as well as which ones we might want to create, are important to understand.
LIFE IS A ROLE PLAYING. The story has been written and now we need to study the script and do the work of endless rehearsals when our patterns keep revealing themselves to us, learning the lessons we came here to learn.
Christina Reeves and Dimitrios Spanos
-Authors of the book
“The Mind Is The Map”
Our Responsibility is our Response-ability

Following the law of least effort, as nature teaches us, we will learn to accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. We will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. Our acceptance of what is becomes total and complete as it is in the moment, not as we wish they were.
Accepting things and others as they are, we can learn to take responsibility for all of our experiences and even for all those we see as problems. Our responsibility is our response-ability. Taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for our situation, for our feelings, for the attachment or the expected outcome we have (and this includes our self). Every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunities allows us to take each experience in each present moment and transform it into a greater benefit.