Value and Validation

“Your most precious, valued possessions and your greatest powers are invisible and intangible. No one can take them. You, and you alone, can give them.”…. W. Clement Stone
DS: I have been pondering the concept of value and validation. For example, why do we allow others to tell us who we are or live in accordance to their standards. I truly believe that we don’t need anyone to tell us, who we are. There is no need to base our value on how much we make, how big our home is compared to others or how important we are.
Our true value is based solely how we live our life with authenticity and how we embrace our inner self. Awareness, consciousness and emotional intelligence can empower us to live our values independent of what others think.
Forgiveness in Three Easy Steps

CR: There are three major components of forgiveness. First, it helps to remember you’re dreaming that the separation from God is real and that is the cause of the problem.
One of the most profound changes in my thinking along my own path was the ultimate and profound experience of accepting the concept that the mind projects everything. Not only does it project everything is also observes its own projection from a seemingly different point of view. Then it interprets that perception as an external fact.
Here are 7 “What If’s” to Shift to a New World!

Life is Based on what we believe. Some say life happens in cycles of 7. Perhaps a shift in our beliefs can also happen using the number 7.
When we look at the bigger picture in life it’s clear how the conditions that end one cycle can become the foundation that begins the next. It’s also clear that between the cycles is a space where neither is present. This is the moment of choice; a moment of opportunity.
What is BEAUTY?

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.”
-Sophia Loren
“Remember that there are two kinds of beauty: one of the souls and the other of the body. That of the soul displays its radiance in intelligence, in chastity, in good conduct, in generosity, and in good breeding.”
― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Some people say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, an experience of something held inside of us as beautiful. Others say that beauty is something or someone that appeals to the eyes or the heart. Yet there are others, like Christina and I, that believe that something is beautiful because of its relationship with the environment. The way it forms or unfolds itself among its surrounding elements just like a radiant rose or a sunset.

DS: Christina, while many of our patterns regarding our relationships with others have a positive contribution and ascend us to higher levels of consciousness, there are some others that make us suffer and deplete our energy. I am referring to certain negative emotions and when we have a hard time accepting responsibility for our negative decisions triggered by an external stimulus. For instance, in some cases, when I get angry I may try to forcefully change others, so they can fit my expectations.
CR: Dimitri, to truly support people in their own growth, transformation, grief, etc., we can’t do it by taking their power away (ie. trying to fix their problems), shaming them (ie. implying that they should know more than they do) or overwhelming them (i.e.. giving them more information than they’re ready for).
We must be prepared to step to the side so that they can make their own choices, offer them unconditional love and support, give gentle guidance when it’s needed, and make them feel safe even when they make mistakes.
Are you on a Quest for Happiness?

This is for most people one of the biggest goals in life: to find happiness. Sounds simple in theory, but it’s something so many struggle to do throughout life. Many search for happiness from outside: material things, vices, anything to temporarily fill the void they feel. What the truly enlightened among us know, is that the only way to fill the void within, is to focus on developing what’s inside.
People often reject difficult feelings—and even blame themselves for feeling something “less” than bliss. Here is just one example: “I SHOULD be blissfully happy, but I’m not. Any statement that begins with should” originates with the Writing on Our Walls. That mismatched thought, between expectation and reality, is one of the main causes of unhappiness. In fact, sometimes we increase our unhappiness by rejecting our own real, useful feelings of worry and discontent, attempting to replace “real” with “pleasant.”

“Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy and vain. To be a warrior one needs to be light and fluid… Self-importance is man’s greatest enemy.” -Carlos Castaneda.
Once, there was a farmer who had an amazing Goose. Each day he would visit her nest and the Goose would lay a beautiful, golden egg.
The farmer would take the egg to market and soon afterwards he began to get rich. However, after a while he became greedy and felt that he was not getting rich fast enough.
One day, he came with an idea that he could get all the golden eggs at once by killing the Goose. After he finished the deed, he realized that not a single egg came out. He was devastated and realized that he had killed the golden goose that was giving him the golden eggs.
- How aware are you of the result of your actions?
- Do you evaluate the choices of your decisions by weighting their costs and benefits?
- Are you satisfied and grateful for what you have?

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on a heel that has crushed it.” -Mark Twain
Life is beautiful, graceful, marvelous but at times difficult and hurtful. There are moments when we go through harsh and painful situations. We feel wrong things are done to us, something negative said or a hurtful event against us and start to have feelings of hurtfulness and resentment.

Only a person who has passed through the gates of Humility can ascend to the heights of Spirit. -Rudolf Steiner
Humility is a refusal of excessiveness. Humility allows me to see myself honestly and objectively without any comparison to others. While also being able to cultivate a deep and satisfactory feeling within. I am telling the world that I am not better and greater than any other.
Humility is what frees us from the need of self-importance and denotes the strength of our character. Humility is expressed as modesty and harmony towards life. An understanding that there is something higher than us making us powerful beyond any measure.
Creating Our Best Life

“Creating Our Best Life” I thought I would write a few articles on this topic and this is the fifth in the series.
Synchronistic Moments are when destiny and fate meet one another and good things happen. We call such moment’s miracles. They seem to align with our intentions for the highest good to unfold. These moments create opportunities for healing and love to flow in and through us and they remind us that there is a far higher power than our small edited ego, working within the Universe for the good of all. We can create our best life by paying attention to these moments and by harnessing our will forces. Our soul and our spirit know the truth of us better than we do; they know what is hidden, buried and needs to come forward in the light of freedom.