Collapsing the Wave

This post is the third in a series of three relating to understanding the concept of Oneness.
Quantum physics tells us that a photon or electron is actually a wave of possibilities until there is a witness that causes that wave to “collapse” into a specific particle in a specific place and time. It appears that the witness causes the wave of possibilities to leave that state of many possibilities and become one specific reality, as we know it.
We might imagine that something similar is happening between ourselves and life. Imagine life as a wave of possibilities, all of which exist together in a quantum zero state or implicate order or for the universal consciousness. In this nothing is formed yet. All is possible. Memories and programs are not yet limiting this conscious- energy.
Once pure consciousness begins to express itself through our programmed minds it becomes limited. It tends to attract what is in agreement with our memories and programming. Our beliefs and emotions cause the unlimited zero-point field of pure light consciousness to form into what we call our reality. This includes people, actions and events – all of which are reflections of and responses to our inner content.
Awareness is seeing reality from a new perspective.
The use of Energy Psychology technology such as EFT includes processes for cleaning out our inner content. We can cease distorting the expression of this pure consciousness in our lives. For example, we are acknowledging that we ourselves are creating our reality and not them. Also, we are realizing that something in our programming has brought the experience into our awareness and causes us to witness the events and perhaps have feelings about what is happening.
Once we realize that it is our own inner reality that is causing this outer reality to manifest, then we are free from feeling that we are the victims or that others are responsible for our reality. We are taking 100% responsibility for our own reality. We realize that the only way to change that reality is to free ourselves from whatever there is within us that is contributing to it. Our beliefs, emotions, programming’s, needs, desire, fears, attachments and behaviors all reflect back to us through others’ behaviors and life itself.
How Might we be Contributing to World Crises?
Most of us are unhappy with the way the world is and tend to be critical of our own and other leaders and how they are handling these issues. This might include global warming, the Middle East, terrorism, Africa, the economy etc. When we feel rejection or distain towards whatever is in our reality, we actually energize the field and increase it. In fact, we actually empower whatever we hate, whatever we allow to bother us in any way.
So, how might these world crises actually be a manifestation of ourselves?
- First of all, our leaders are simply a manifestation of our collective consciousness. When our consciousness changes, our leaders will change. We need to look into ourselves to understand why we have the leaders we do and how we empower them.
- One way that we contribute is through our dependency on comfort and material things.All of these require oil, heat, and deplete the natural resources of the earth. Our addiction to these comforts causes us to give much money and thus power to the conglomerates that produce them. And they in turn have the ability to control the governments. We are giving our power (through money) to the businesspersons who are controlling the politicians who are making the decisions. Our life style is directly responsible for global warming and policies that have to with need for oil.
- Another contribution to the problem is our personal identification with the small group of persons we feel comfortable with. I refer here to our alienation from people, from other religions, races or nationalities. This separation reflects in situations all over the world where people from different groupings are fighting with each other. They are a reflection of the fact that we do not yet feel the same unity with all religions, races and nationality or even social classes.
- On another issue, the unjust and biased misuse of power in the world simply reflects our own misuse of power as parents, spouses, employers etc. Few people have learned to use their power in a totally just and unbiased way. Our governments are simply doing the same. They are nothing more than reflections of our own state of evolution – or lack thereof.
The truth is, we can never really know what we would do if we were in the others’ position. If a foreign power came into and occupied the USA or Europe, would we be pacifists or terrorists until they left? Were the early Americans, who ambushed and killed the British, terrorists or freedom fighters? On the other hand, if we are responsible for a whole country and someone bombed us and killed our people, could we do nothing about it?
Most often the actions of both sides in these conflicts are extreme, unjust and unconscious. But make no mistake, they are the exact reflection of our personal tendencies. It is easy to judge others when we are not experiencing their situation. This judgment not only increases what is happening, it adds to the collective energetic footprint of all humanity.
There is a potential terrorist in each of us waiting to manifest in the right conditions of feelings of injustice when we feel all others avenues are hopeless. And there is a vindictive and unmercifully avenger in all of us, if our family has been unjustly harmed. In each of us there is a bigot. Even a rejection towards the bigots, is a form of bigotry. We may be for peace, but we may hate those who prevent that peace. Then we are the same as them, and they are reflecting us to ourselves.
All of Our Problems Start with the Illusion of Our Separateness from Others
This then leads to fear, self-protective mechanisms, alienation, indifference for how others are faring. We become imprisoned in self-serving lives with a basic mistrust those we do not know or of those who are not like us. This in itself is an illusion that attracts a wide variety of personal and social realities. Political and religious leaders add to these fears and mistrust by reinforcing the idea that the others are bad and want to do us harm. When we are functioning in such paradigms, we are contributing to the social and world situation as it is.
These world situations are simply reflections of our own mental tendencies that need to be purified and evolve. With conscious awareness and energy psychology techniques such as EFT, the old programming can be removed from our individual energy vibrations. And the collective consciousness of all humanity will be purified.
We are Being Gifted with Many Opportunities for Growth
Another view of our current state of evolution and the world we live in is that we are being gifted. The mirror of life is showing us that we, as souls, are in the process of becoming more emotionally, mentally and spiritually mature. The wake-up call is that we can see where we are attracting to ourselves situations that offer us the opportunity to learn the next lessons we need to learn in our evolutionary process. Of course, we have free will to learn from these situations or not. We have the option of holding on to our pain, fear, guilt and anger, or we can let go of all that. Or we upgrade our perception of reality and move into forgiveness, self-acceptance, unconditional love for all.
Perhaps, we can create a new reality; a time of peace, a time of Oneness, and a time when we will not need the lessons anymore.
…. Love and Light, Christina
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