Creating a Balance of Strength, Healing and Love

I thought I would write a few articles on this topic and this the second in this series.
Creating a Balance of Strength, Healing and Love
Our life force energy brings to us the power of light by which we “see” the spiritual truths. This light embodies strength, healing and love. It is incorporated in our field of energy as the light that shines from within and is the light by which we live in the physical world and see in the spiritual realm. This light allows us to have a deep abiding bond to the nature of all that exists.
Calling in this light force energy and balancing this light allows us to focus on abundance, health, unconditional love, pleasure and ease. We will need to develop these qualities within ourselves by keeping our life force energy balanced between a good work ethic and giving ourselves permission for delight and pleasure.
Health is vitality and resilience and comes from our life force energy. Health means we have regenerative ability and can create reserves of this energy for times of challenge. Being healthy requires a willingness to move and live the life of the body. Learning to love the body, just exactly as it is, this is the gift of a healthy and loving mind and heart.
Our levels of unconditional love, brings healing to everything we do and is behind every experience we have. Our ability to love our self, forgive the past and honor our needs defines who we are. It is through unconditional love for ourselves that we bring in the life force energy and the forces of healing into our lives. It implies we love ourselves without reserve or doubt.
Ease and pleasure fuel our well-being; by providing joy, and both are essential components for a healthy physical life. They are the ways we relax, let our hair down and have fun. We might want to see them as not an end in themselves but rewards for hard work and responsibility. Living your best life requires finding the middle ground; the balance of self-love and discipline.
Prosperity and abundance reflect a belief in our innate worth to be loved, blessed and fully supported in life. Spiritual teaching says money and love come from the all that is. Allowing prosperity to come into your life reflects a belief that you are worthy of receiving your good. Abundance reflects your right to pleasure and joy while living your best life.
It takes both will power and emotional intelligence to create our best life. May we all live with healthy guidelines that encourage us, ones that support ourselves and support our spirit and may we all realize that gentleness, tenderness and love are the attributes we need to create and enjoy the fruits of life. …Love and light Christina