Creating Our Best Life

I thought I would write a few articles on this topic and this is the third in the series.
Freedom is one of the greatest gifts, it defines our actions, our attitudes and our levels of personal responsibility. Our peace and happiness are dependent on us accessing this principle to build and connect to a deeper sense of who we are and how we relate to the world around us. Once we have anchored and integrated this principal we interface with the world from a place of empowerment and compassion. We must work to expand our self-worth, enhance our self-respect and honor all that is within us. We must work to develop a greater sense of self-esteem that enables us to claim freedom of choice, teaching us who we are at a foundational level.”
Our Self-worth is a measure of how much we love and value ourselves. The more we value ourselves the less dependent we are on the world to define us. We are always worthy of love, kindness and respect. This truth releases us from having to prove ourselves to others and makes us intolerant of anything that diminishes our value.
Self-Respect defines the boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not in our lives, allowing us to say no when boundaries are crossed. It protects our wholeness, our dignity and our value, in this way we protect our precious self-hood freeing us to live our best life.
Self-esteem affirms the hard work and levels of accomplishment we have achieved in our life. It is present in our life when we do our best and are proud of our efforts. Self-esteem builds character and defines the way in which we value our actions and efforts.
Self-confidence comes to us when we know we can do something well. It is moving beyond our fears and doubts to a level where we can manage our lives and meet our challenges head on with a certainty that we can.
Empowerment comes from knowing our strengths, living our truth and always choosing to be free and unrestricted in our personal expression. We empower ourselves by affirming our lives, knowing we have a place in the universe and we do make a difference.
Freedom is about our ability to choose the best life for ourselves. We fill our best life with love, beauty, health, prosperity, unity, peace, and joy. Integrating freedom is how we claim our gifts and talents and how we express our being in the world, taking choice to the highest level of personal expression.
May we develop and strengthen these attributes within ourselves and become champions of freedom from oppression of all varieties and may we be a source of healing to the planet and all those around us.
……Love and light Christina