Creating Our Best Life

I thought I would write a few articles on this topic and this is the fourth in the series.
There is a “higher love” that is our life force energy and this love is not the ordinary love of this world. This love is the center of our lives; the heart is the center of our life force energy. It radiates from our heart and is the conduit for love to flow through us. It never forgets an act of kindness or a moment of love and stores the memories of love. We must feel the flow of love to be fulfilled no matter how that is expressed… recognizes itself only in love.
As we create the intention to claim this love it becomes easier to allow it into our being; to embrace the wonder of love and to become aware of the times we feel separate from the source of love. At those moments we must accept and allow life to bring us new experiences of the miracles of love in our ordinary daily life. Asking the simple question, “What would love do now?” Below are a few of the attributes we might cultivate when we choose to live in love as love.
Our dreams embody all of our longings and desires. They hold the promise of love through our spiritual connection as possibilities to be fulfilled. It is important to realize that we are co-creators with our source of all that is; and therefore, there is nothing we cannot create in our life.
Positive intention is focus and clarity of mind, heart and body to claim a desired outcome. Intention lets us consciously claim that what we want is manifesting with each positive thought. Back up our dream life with an absolute knowing, having faith that they will manifest and feel the love and gratitude.
Faith lives in our hearts to remind us that faith can move mountains. It is the essential ingredient for our hopes and dreams to manifest. Faith gives us the courage to carry us through the deserts and out of the shadows into living our best life. Faith is the guiding light.
Allow gratitude to fill our hearts with a sense of plenty and abundance. This will bring us release from disappointment; and sets our spirit free. It helps to appreciate and honor life recognizing that there is good in all things and helps us to see all experiences as a blessing. I personally believe that gratitude is a leaping off point for manifestation; it opens the doors of our heart so we can receive good into our lives.
May we know that living our best life is always love; in one form or another.
…….. Love and light, Christina
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