Creating Our Best Life … Sixth in a Series of Seven Articles

I believe that humans have one basic motive, which is the tendency to fulfill one’s potential and achieve the highest level of ‘human-being-ness’ we can. Like a flower that will grow to its full potential if the conditions are right, but which is constrained by its environment, so people will flourish and reach their potential if the foundation they have created for themselves is good and strong enough. Some of the qualities of creating our best life are the power of these attributes of being able to discern, gather knowledge, distill wisdom and access intuitive knowing.
Knowledge is the accumulated wisdom of the collective unconscious that gives information about how to live one’s best life. We can easily access knowledge that has been written over lifetimes of exploration, discovery and involvement in the physical, psychological and mental worlds. Knowledge has two parts; the first is intellectual, the stuff of education, books, seminars, and workshops; the second is experiential and represents wisdom … the second is more valuable than gold.
Wisdom comes from being able to distill the good from the challenges of our lives. Wisdom enables us to see the light in all situations where we are unsure of our purpose or confused as to which fork of the path to follow. It helps us channel the higher vibrations of consciousness stimulating the heart, providing us with serenity and harmony, helping us find a way to be a peace with ourselves. It only asks to be recognized.
Intuition is a powerful tool for knowing ourselves and any situation we are involved in. Our inner guidance system is based on our ability to listen to our intuition. It informs our being about any circumstance or situation we need clarity about. Intuition is defined as the ability to access our deepest knowing and understanding of the truth. When we cultivate the use of our intuition, then we support our capacity for visionary thinking and our conscious evolution.
Imagination is an absolutely necessary aspect for creating our best life. It is our ability to see all the various and endless possibilities available to us. Imagination is developed from active visualization of what we want to manifest in our experience. It is a gift from the divine to help us create our life the way we would like it to be. When we cultivate the use of our intuition, and combine that with our use of imagination then we support our capacity to perform visionary thinking that supports the creation of our best life and our conscious evolution.
Discernment is another valuable tool for filtering out what does not serve our happiness, fulfillment or growth. Discernment is defined as our ability to know who and what is for our highest good. It helps us make wise choices what works in our lives and lets us know we are on the right path. It represents the eternal structure that holds our universe together and the power of discernment is immutable. Use of our power of discernment defines our spiritual growth and inner development, teaching us to take right action and love unconditionally. Discernment is benign; it does not punish and it does not harm.
May each of us be touched by divine grace and may we all achieve our goals, wishes and desires in life.
…… Love and Light Christina
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