Cultivating Peace in Chaotic Times

During these Chaotic Times, one thing is extremely important in order to overcome any temporary crisis. In particular, it has to do with YOUR POWER to bring peace and harmony to yourself and the world around us.
For instance, there are periods in life when certain events and situations demand greater inner strength, courage, understanding, and optimism. Furthermore, they may be of a personal, familial, social, political or even planetary nature. For example, as a planet, we are going through multiple crises in which many of us are being tested in a myriad of ways. Each of us is being or will be affected to a different degree. And as a collective humanity, are experiencing concerns which affect the economy, the environment, global peace and stability.
The Current Struggle
It is very natural to feel concerned about your future when we see the areas in which humanity and our planet are struggling. To illustrate, we hear about food shortages and contaminated water supplies. Or perhaps you have been laid off work, or your basic needs are not being met. Consequently anger, fear, violence and discrimination are building up in many sectors of society. In fact, you might be feeling fear, anxiety, betrayal, even anger towards those you believe are responsible. These emotions only serve to disrupt and weaken your nervous, endocrine and immune systems. In addition, they compromise your health, vitality, clarity.  Furthermore, your ability to deal effectively with life’s pressures and demands are greatly diminished unless you STOP fueling the fear!
Stop Fueling Your Fear
Each of us is responsible for all that happens personally and on a collective level. The truth is that, others cannot create your reality and you cannot create theirs. If you have feelings of injustice, victimhood, and anger, they are based on your perception which is an illusion. The reality is that you are subconsciously creating and attracting to you your current experiences by your thoughts, words, actions and choices.
It is important to understand that life gives us, in every moment, exactly what we have asked for. This is true both personally and as a collective society. The fact is that what we focus on expands, thus it is our own thinking that makes us feel the fear of what is happening. So, although the chaos appears to be external what you need to understand is that there is nothing outside of yourself that can make you feel anything. Namely it is because your feelings come from your thoughts and YOU are the only one in your mind. You are not a victim, only your thinking (perception) makes it so.
Creating a New Reality
In order to create a new reality, we need to eliminate the shame, blame game and step up to the Response-Ability platform. In other words, you need to fine-tune your perceptions of yourself, others and life. The fact is that as a soul in the evolutionary process, your mind is not yet perfected. In particular, there is much to learn from the current realities you are attracting and interpreting. When you do not accept something that has happened or that is occurring in the moment, you are entering the fear zone. In addition the very fear that you are emitting as energy, is attracting to you exactly what you are fearful of.
Stop giving away your power; stop portraying yourself as a helpless victim of circumstances beyond your control. Instead, understand that every event, every outcome, is giving you an opportunity to learn from your experiences or not. The ultimate purpose for your lessons in life is about discovering your greater value as a member of society. Lessons that provide you with a greater sense of security, freedom and fulfillment. It’s all part of the evolutionary process and how you choose to use and react to these events and situations is your free choice.
Opportunity for Discovery
Welcome each and every event into your conscious awareness to really benefit. Â In fact, the starting point to initiate change is complete acceptance. Once you accept, then it is time to discover and understand the deeper aspects of your human existence. Â You can change how you respond to life through your choices.
We are all one energy and one matter. Â Only our mind creates the illusion of separateness. Understand that we are all expressions of one divine consciousness and perceiving others in this manner will improve your life emotionally, materially and spiritually. Create a new foundation on which to act with more conscious choices. Participate in life, encourage and connect to others seeking common solutions to problems that benefit us all. Cooperation between countries, religions, political systems and all people is the solution for Cultivating Peace in Chaotic Times.
May all be Blessed as we Journey Together in the Light of Oneness,
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