Discovering Our Self

Dialogue with the Heart … Author Unknown
“What are you afraid of?” the man asked his heart.
The heart didn’t reply.
“There is no one out there that will hurt you, I’ll protect you. I have grown, I am strong now, you have nothing to fear.”
Still the heart did not reply.
“Tell me, heart. Was it our father? Was it our brothers? Was it one of our lovers? None of that matters now, I am grown, no one can do anything to us.”
The heart remained quiet … closed.
The man grew frustrated. “Heart, you are a coward. Maybe you are defective. Maybe I just don’t have a heart that works properly. No wonder I can’t feel love.”
The heart closed even tighter.
For many years the man walked around, falling ever deeper into despair about his defective heart. Then one day the man grew very quiet. Quiet enough that he thought he could almost hear a whisper coming from his heart. He asked with all the compassion he was capable of, “Heart, what are you afraid of?”
The heart whispered back, “You. I’m afraid of you.”
The man cried. He had protected his heart from everyone but the one person that could hurt it the most – the critic within.
As we string our thoughts together, our conscious mind slowly gains access to a storehouse of impressions, ideas, memories, and knowledge from our past. Becoming aware of what other parts of us already know is sort of like writing, stringing the words together, we move from brainstorming, to rough working manuscripts, and final drafts and finally to a finished manuscript.
There is a gap between our thoughts… a delay between the arrival of new thoughts or feelings, and our conscious awareness of them. Before a thought or feeling becomes fully conscious, we may only sense it through elusive moods, or physical symptoms. If we don’t take the time to contemplate what is written on our walls, and take the steps to self discovery, the thought or feeling may never come to consciousness.
Patience and Contemplation pulls forth all this latent information. We can discover not only our hidden feelings and beliefs, but also creative ideas that may be helpful for us. To reach our inner knowledge, we need only keep processing our thoughts and feelings, through our heart. When we are able process the clichés and banality of the mind through the heart, we will find concepts of self that feel both familiar and new.
We will experience ah ha moments and we are often astounded when, after withstanding the temptation to give up on our self. We are able to break through and see different perspectives of the experiences, many new aspects of self, and many more opportunities for self discovery. We can then keep asking ourselves, “What is the voice saying to me? What is this thought or feeling? What do I know about it? Is it true for me? When contemplating, it is best to do so with a genuine curiosity about self. Don’t worry about the mind chatter simply observe it and use what it is saying to discover the goldmine of useful information we have within.
Recommended Reading: How to Understand our Inner Voice and The Writing on our Wall (Pages 55, 56, 68) of the book, The Mind is the Map.
We have an inexhaustible source of knowledge, not only about our self, which is priceless and exceptionally useful, but about any problem we face. There are creative solutions present within every dilemma, we only have to contemplate in stillness to discover them. We all have Writing on our Walls and our Inner Voice will tell us what is written there if we only pay attention.
… Love and Light, Christina
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