Experience Peace with Unconditional Love

We are living in chaotic times, our world is suffering, continuous moments of powerless and feelings of injustice. The condition of the outer world at the present time is such that those who sincerely seek the light and want the constructive way of life must have more than human help if they are to survive over the present period of chaos which is the accumulated discord generated by the collective humanity en masse through the centuries, and which is pressing heavily upon the outer experience of individuals and our world today.
Last night I attended a concert and it was a eye opener for me. The presentation of songs, poetry and journal readings were of a time in Ireland of the great famine. A time when 2 million people died of starvation and another 2 million immigrated to Canada. I was deeply touched by these moments of our history and it brought to mind many other such tragedies in our past as a collective human society. Going deeper, perhaps the gift of recent election results in America is a map, an indicator of where we are in our human evolution … a wake-up call … to seeing and accepting responsibility for our history. Acceptance and taking collective responsibility for our current human society is truly a prerequisite for change and a call to action from the heart. Herein lies the gift of the experience.
Our earth and its humanity are well into the “I AM” age and nothing will bless us as individuals to so great a degree as the conscious understanding of this creative word. The “I Am” or “Divine Presence” within is likened unto the pit or seed of a peach; the thought-world around it unto the pulp of the peach. The pulp represents not only the thought-world created by the individual and the collective but also the universal all that is; ever present, waiting to be acted upon by the conscious determination of all of us. Without the seed of “I AM” we are rendered helplessly blind to find our way through.
What do you believe will happen, if we all committed to eliminate egotism, selfishness and all negative acts that have been causing pain and suffering to others? What if we loved each other and no longer placed responsibility for our feelings and will power on anyone on the outside? Just creating intention to all these areas would fill our heart with love and unity, connecting us to our higher consciousness, our I Am.”
It is a privilege and honor of every being at this time to call in the “I AM Presence,” with all earnestness and love to these great ones who have come before us, to protect our countries, their government and all their people, to illumine all officials of all governments, to perfect all within their borders, and to compel obedience everywhere unto the Light of God that never fails.
In the Fullness of My Love, I believe we can co-create a new reality, one of unity, peace and joy for all and to the world and may this time of awakening be unparalleled in its happiness and joy to mankind
……Love, light and blessings Christina
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